Friday, November 5, 2021

 Hi all, well, Fall 2021 Big Adventure has come to an end. Although our big adventure will continue with family and the holidays. Here are the two final days of our travels this fall.

Day 52

Morning at Cabela's.

Fueled up at Sam’s Club and headed East. Fueled up again in Glendive, MT and kept rolling. Switched drivers a couple of times and had a few breaks, then stopped in Dickenson, ND to pickup a few items at Walmart. Millie shopped and I kicked back with the Boyz, after all they had a long hard day of travel. 

Sunset occurred while we were driving to our destination for the night, a BLM campground near Richardton, ND. Twilight was good so no problem finding and setting up camp. Really nice, but small, out of the way place in a small valley with trees on the creek side and prairie on the other. Only one other camper there and we could not even see one another from our sites. The Boyz explored close by and we had supper, a little steaming on the TV and off to bed.

Day 53

Wind is blowing this morning, in the perfect direction to assist us home. Sunrise was great, 

and it changed so dramatically as the cold front moved in. 

The campground is very nice, no services, other than vault toilets. Well kept and $5 per night or $2.50 with the senior pass. Coffee, breakfast and a nice walk with the Boyz, then on the road. After the front moved through the sky became partly cloudy.

Truck must have learned something as we had no issues and with the wind we got great mileage. OK, for towing a 12,000 lb, 13 foot tall box. 

Made it home safely and got parked and ready to empty and winterize. Likely going to be a long cold winter, as it usually is here. 

Time to remember our travels, people and places. Thanks to all along the road we met and spent time with. And special thanks to all who allowed us to camp at their homes. Enjoy your journey as life moves on for all of us. Spend time with those you love and make your day great.

Have some great times and enjoy the holidays.

Tom and Millie

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 Hi all, almost the end of this journey, so here's the latest.

Day 50

Long day for us although only 325 miles. Truck tried to not do a regen and gave lots of warning lights, so I drove at 50 MPH in 4th gear for about 30 minutes and it did do the cleaning. Still cannot understand why it won’t regen by itself. Otherwise the drive was pleasant and the scenery was great. Made it to Beaverhead BLM Campground on the Clark Canyon Reservoir near Dillon, MT. Dry camping with water available, did not check if operating, and the cost was ideal, $0. Fire rings and shelters at each site. Pretty mountain view across the reservoir and sunset. 

A little breeze and I expect it will get chilly tonight and we will be warm and cozy in our Fox. Chris’s homade chicken noodle soup for supper with a nice Rose from last fall’s Michigan trip. Play some games tonight and book reading before bed.


Day 51

Morning at Beaverhead Campground brought the start of a great sunrise, then the clouds moved in and they were low. Mountain tops were gone and hopes of a colorful sunrise dashed. 

As the morning wore on the clouds started breaking up and we were presented with a pretty unique sunrise. Good thing we had snow capped mountains in the background. 

Cooked breakfast and packed up to hit the road. 

Weather was good and the roads were not crowded. The truck however thinks that it needs to clean the Diesel exhaust filter every 100 miles. Will have to get this sorted out when home. Made it to Billings in the Cabella’s parking lot. Shopped Cabella’s and Sam’s Club next door. Likely to hit the road early, for us, tomorrow. Headed for Richardton, ND. Two more days of travel and we will be home. Off to bed for and early start tomorrow.

Make your day great and enjoy your journey.

Tom and Millie

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Hi all, update time and a glitch in our travel plans.  

A summer sunset at the lake cabin.

Day 48 (Oct 31)

Happy Halloween! Travel day from West Wendover, Nevada to the Salt Lake City area. Had some additional truck issues and was fortunate to make an appointment, online, for service Monday bright and early. Made it to Chris and Rob’s and got parked in the driveway, they even fed us homemade chicken soup and salad. So enjoyable to sit and visit with them. Talked for hours and now off to bed at a reasonable time and up early to get the truck to the Doc.


Day 49

Up early and got the truck to the Ford Doc. Back to Rob and Chris’s and visited with Rob for a couple of hours. Chris had to work today and Rob had an afternoon commitment for a couple hours. Millie got to sewing, surprise, and I took a short nap. Got the truck back all ready for travel and our bank account a little thinner. All part of the cost of having toys and enjoying travel, although not planned at this time, repairs and maintenance is not unexpected. Later Rob gave me a hand, and loan of some tools, to rotate tires on the RV. Got that completed and cleaned up and went out to eat. Had a great burger and Millie had wonderful fancy grilled cheese. It is so fun to spend time with Rob and Chris. After supper we visited until all hours, OK, maybe it was only 9 PM. It must have been fate that presented our truck issues where, not only could we get the work completed quickly, we had great people and a good place to park. Off to bed and plan to get rolling in the morning.

Make your day great and hug someone you love, for no reason other than you love them.

Tom and Millie

Saturday, October 30, 2021

 Hi all, time to catch up now that we are back in the digital world. Quiet time was nice, at least for a short time.

Day 43

Travel day headed to Bly, OR and the Lone Pine RV Park. 

Lots of mountains, clouds, some rain and beautiful views. The Aspens were in full color and were a bright spot in a dreary day. No problem finding the RV park and did not even need to disconnect from the truck. So we plugged in and had a great talk with Josephine and Carissa on a video call. Then a short call with Chelsey. Simple supper and with good cell service getting the blog caught up. Soon to bed then up and off to Virgin Valley Campground and some more days off grid. Soon to bed and rest up for another travel day, but shorter.

Day 44 (Oct 27)

Shorter travel day, just with the narrow curvy roads it did seem much longer. Drove slower and with little to no traffic was a pleasant, scenic drive. Made it to Virgin Valley Campground on the Sheldon National Antelope Refuge. Absolutely no cell service, tv or radio reception. I think the guy with satellite TV may get something. Millie took advantage of the hot spring and we both enjoyed the warmer, drier weather. A spectacular sunset and twilight finished off the day. 

Tried the fire pit around dark, but for some unknown reason the gas flow seemed low. Will have to investigate. Nice evening with LOTS of stars, a little DVD watching and early to bed.

Day 45

Up early and watched the sunrise, not as spectacular as the evening before, and happy to see a clear sky, calm yet cool day begin. Millie got to sewing and I got lazy and read my book. Day warmed up to 65 and the wind did not pick up until afternoon. Millie made bread and I made a batch of chilli. So supper was great. Took the Boyz on a good walk, exploring the campground and nearby structures. 

Visited with a couple from Florida and shared some travels and places between us. I took advantage of the hot spring and with the stiff breeze, 65⁰ and lower humidity, it got down right chilly until I got dried off. Still felt good. The spring pool is around 85-90⁰ and the same spring provide continuous warm showers and drinking water. Pretty amazing place and other than the campground, treeless. Beautiful in it’s own way and so different than west of the Cascade mountain range. Great supper, as I mentioned earlier, a bit of DVD watching and off early to bed.

 Day 46

Again up early, to a great sunrise, I guess that goes with getting to bed early. 

Lazy morning, coffee, breakfast and walks with the Boyz. After noon we fired up the truck and decided to explore the dirt roads. Drove, very slowly in 4 wheel low, up to the Virgin Creek Gorge Overlook. On the way we found a hill with cell service and did a video call with Carissa and a phone call with Chelsey. 

Was great to check in and find all is well at home. Was able to send them a video and a couple of pictures from the “hill in the middle of nowhere”. From there we went to the overlook. WOW, Ma Nature sure did some work there. A big crack in the mountain and a creek flowing through. Very much a hidden gem in NW Nevada.


After the overlook we headed to the mouth of the gorge. Was not as impressive comparatively, although still a great view.


Worked our way back to camp and got a snack then headed, in the other direction, to see what the Opal mines were like. The hills and valley were scenic, but, the Opal mines looked like RV junkyards. Could not actually see any of the operations and all were closed. Back to camp and a dip in the hot spring. I then made an adult beverage and walked up to visit with Prescott and Tom from Florida. After talking with Tom, I realized that we are Nooby’s compared to their travels. Although, this was their first time at this campground and we have been here before. Back to the RV and Millie had supper ready to sit down to. A bit of DVD viewing and off to bed. Tomorrow is a travel day and it could be a long one.


Day 47

Yes, it was a long travel day for us. Pretty much all the way across Nevada. 

Beautiful scenery, generally good roads and a lot of time behind the wheel. During our drive, Millie, Carissa, Chelsey, Josephine and Levi had a video chat as we sped down I-80. Was great to hear Jo sing Happy Birthday to her Grandma. They had chocolate cake with candles and ate some in front of us. Guess we need to get some for ourselves. Plans were made to have a birthday supper out after we return home. Tonight we decided to get an RV Park in West Wendover, Nevada. I think we will be in Utah as soon as we get back on I-80 tomorrow.  Adult beverage, chilli and Millie’s homemade sourdough bread. During the drive the truck decided it needed attention, change oil soon, change air filter and DEF fluid needed. Best part is tomorrow is Sunday and there isn’t a Ford garage open. Called Chris and Rob for a reservation in their driveway and they said yes. So at least one more day added to our return home trip. Lost an hour moving from Pacific time to Mountain time, making early to bed a little later.

Make your day great and share your good fortune with others.

Tom and Millie

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

 Hi all, time to catch up, so here goes.

Day 38 (Oct 21)

Slow morning with the wind and rain expected. Since it didn’t come as expected we headed out to the last remaining thrift stores. In between we went to Novelli’s Crab and Seafood for a Crab Chowder snack. Wow! Later went back and picked up a fresh cooked crab and a quart of Crab Chowder to go. We also went to a kitchen store and found some Christmas gifts. During our short trips the rain and wind showed up. Headed “home” during a break and started getting ready to travel tomorrow. Had a nice video call with Carissa and Josephine, starting to miss all our girls. This is the turn around as we will be generally heading toward home. Lots to see and do on the way. Finished the day with a nice salad and a bunch of crab on top. 

A bit of TV and off to bed.


Day 39

Good travel day, no issues and we made the trip in about the time anticipated. 

Stopped in Elkton, OR and visited a winery and bake shop. 

Wines were not all that impressive, but the bake shop was great. Finished the travel day to Canyonville, OR at the 7 Feathers RV Resort and Casino. All set up in between rain showers. Enjoying a beautifully landscaped RV Park with most of the trees in their fall colors. 

Been a good day.


Day 40

Coffee and a bake shop cinnamon roll. Then after a bit we headed to the Casino for breakfast and to do a bit of adding to the Tribes coffers. We then visited the local museum. 

We checked the weather and with high wind warnings we decided to extend our stay here for 2 more nights. Back to the RV for a nap, some book reading and Millie quilt making. Walking the Boyz and enjoying the colors, in between light rain showers. Supper was pasta alfredo with the remaining fresh crab. Some TV and off to bed.

Day 41

Dreary, rainy and now windy day. So we did laundry, checked in at the office and finally headed to Falk Estate Winery. Tasted some good wines and enjoyed the view, with the Turkeys.

Fueled up the truck and headed “home” for a nap. Light supper and some TV along with updating the truck fuel records and image editing. Starting to want for some sunshine.


Day 42

Today was a stay at home day as I did not feel well for a good share of the day. Don’t know what was up, and felt better by bedtime. So not much happened other than the Boyz getting walked and a few naps. Millie sewed up a storm all day. I think that helped her relax and enjoy staying put due to weather.


Day 43

Travel day headed to Bly, OR and the Lone Pine RV Park. Lots of mountains, clouds, some rain and beautiful views. The Aspens were in full color and were a bright spot in a dreary day. No problem finding the RV park and did not even need to disconnect from the truck. So we plugged in and had a great talk with Josephine and Carissa on a video call. Then a short call with Chelsey. Simple supper and with good cell service getting the blog caught up. Soon to bed then up and off to Virgin Valley Campground and some more days off grid. Soon to bed and rest up for another travel day, but shorter.

Make your day great and be kind.

Tom and Millie

 Hi all

Got a bit of cell service that is not capable of uploading photos,

so this blog will only be informative and sooner or later I will get some decent service.

We are moving to Bly, OR tomorrow for one night, don't expect much for service there.

Then off to Virgin Valley Campground on the Sheldon National Antelope Refuge and I know there will be no service there. Unsure how far we will have to drive to get out a text message.

After a few days of (hopefully) sun and soaking in the hot spring, we will head across Nevada. Unsure as to what actual direction we will go. East toward home faster or south for warmer weather. 

All said and done, not likely to find adequate service to post a blog with photos.

Make your day great and enjoy your own adventure.

Tom and Millie

Friday, October 22, 2021

 Hi all, looks like we will be pretty much off grid as far as internet is concerned. It does appear we will get texts and even phone calls, but campground wifi is PAINFULLY slow and cell service data is about the same. Will post again when we have some service.

Make your day great and be kind.

Tom and Millie

Thursday, October 21, 2021

 Hi all, been so loving the seafood options on the Oregon coast. 

Walks on the beach while waiting for the rain. Here is our latest adventures.

Day 36  (Oct. 19)

Beautiful sunrise this morning. 

Coffee and breakfast then out to find a beach. Drove about 15 miles back up the coast and found a nice, somewhat secluded, beach. We walked in the sunshine, mostly out of the wind and just enjoyed the sound of the surf. 

With no one else on the beach we let the Boyz run. They loved running in the sand and chasing each other, After they just started walking with us and wandering around sniffing the new smells. Next was a small State Park with a great view of one of the Highway 101 iconic bridges. 

As we worked our way back toward town we stopped at Sea Lion Caves. Took the tour and the Sea Lions forgot to show up. OK, was not the time of year they typically inhabit the cave. Was neat to see and I did get some good photos of Heceta Head Lighthouse. 

Flowers along the path the cave.

In town we stopped for a beer and more seafood. 

Then “home” and watched some TV, edited some photos and off to bed.


Day 37

Less than stunning sunrise.

Late start and after coffee and brunch, Millie started laundry, I did some shopping at the hardware store and fueled up the truck. A hundred bucks and it still wasn’t quite full, yep $3.96 a gallon for diesel. Finished up the laundry and shopped at a thrift store. Bought a few books and a couple of DVD’s. Then went to supper, and you guesed it, more seafood. 

Old Town Florence on a busy Wednesday eve.

The restaurant for supper.

One more full day at the coast and the seafood binge will be over. Probably have to work on salads for a while. “Home” after for a couple of good walks with the Boyz and some TV time.

Make your day great and be kind.

Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...