Saturday, November 9, 2019

Stuff that had to be done.

Hi all
Today was a good day to get some things done.
Fuel for the truck and the camper.
Rotated tires on one side of the LSF.
Laundry and added water to trailer.
I think we are ready to make the run for home.
Now we just look for the weather window.

Yesterday, Rob and Chris took us to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake.
Packed a picnic and had a great day.

Such serious people! 😎
Nice weather and a sunny day with little to no wind.
Due to a weather inversion, the view was not spectacular.
I was surprised at how many ranches there were at one time on the island.
There was also mining.

It was good and maybe someday we will go back.
Interesting place, the island is huge,
about 42 sq miles (just about the same size as Fargo), mountains and all.
The lake was a bit low and it made no difference to us.

Bison had been introduced as a breeding herd.
Being secluded there was little to no chance of disease.

Sunset was spectacular over the lake and island.

The twilight on the Wasatch Range with Greater Salt Lake City at the edge of the lake. 

Home to appetizers,, adult beverages and some great conversations.
We are having so much fun with Rob and Chris.
Will be looking forward to the next time we can get together.

Tonight we are on our own, Rob and Chris are out with friends.
Don't have anything planned, TV and maybe a rousing game of Cribbage.
No plans, yet, for tomorrow.
One more from the island and yes, those mountains are on the island.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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