Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Longer day than expected

Hi all
Our day at Kaibab, AZ was to visit Pipe Springs Nat. Monument.
Very interesting place.
The spring has quite a history from the Navajo and Paiute peoples, to the Mormons.
As a valuable source of fresh water used for farming and livestock,
it was fought over multiple times.
Also, being remote, it was a haven used to hide multiple wives
at a time when the US Government was pressuring the religion to
abolish that practice.

The Mormons built a defensible fort directly over the spring.

They raised cattle and crops and "exported" much to other groups.
Fun to see the buildings and hear about their lives.

Yesterday we moved on.
Headed to Kodachrome State Park.
We were disappointed when we made the turn, the road that goes by Bryce Canyon,
there was a tunnel that had a 13' 6" clearance.
We are 13' 5" and not willing to take a chance that.........
my height measurement was off,
2" of asphalt had been added to the road surface
or we just hit a small rock in the road and bounce the AC into the ceiling.
Well, we moved on to Yuba State Park.
Got there about dark, got set up and had an evening with Netflix.
Think we are going to spend 2 nights here then on to Cousin Rob and Chris's home
for a little "Mooch camping" in their driveway.

We are on the way home and now just need to find good weather to make the remaining trip.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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