Monday, November 25, 2019


Hi all
Sorry it has been a bit, we have been home for about 10 days.
Busy, busy, busy.
And Thanksgiving is almost here.

RV all winterized and put away for the remainder of the year.
Projects are lining up and .............................

Love spending some time with Josie.
She is growing so fast and still full of smiles.

Life is good
Make your day great and
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tom and Millie

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Gonna head home

Hi all
Yesterday we all went out to lunch.
After lunch, Chris went back to work
Rob, Millie and I went to the Hill AFB Air Museum.
It was very enjoyable, and not crowded.
Felt like we had the place to ourselves.
Lots of great old warbirds.

Today we are heading North.
Seems so backwards this time of year.
Looks like we have a good winter weather window to race for home.
Three days travel, 400, 500 and 300 miles.
Looks like mostly tail winds and day time temps above freezing.
Hoping for all to go as planned.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Monday, November 11, 2019

Day at the Museum

Hi all
Decided to experience the Natural History Museum of Utah.
Being a Sunday we hoped for a lighter bit of traffic
and the big city cooperated.
The museum is located next to the University of Utah.
It is in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains
and has a great view of Greater Salt Lake City.

You can see from the photo that we are enjoying an inversion layer.
Cold smog laden air settles into the basin and warmer air overhead caps it.

They tell us that the air is safe.
I personally prefer air that I can't see.

The geologic and biologic areas of the museum are great.
Informational and very good displays explaining a lot about the natural history.
The dinosaur displays are excellent
and the first peoples displays gave an excellent overview of the first inhabitants of Utah.
It was definitely worth visiting.

From there, with tired feet, went off to Desert Edge Brewery
to quaff a cold beverage, and some vittles.
Excellent beer and very good food.

Home early evening to relax and have dessert.
Another great day here in West Bountiful, UT
with excellent hosts and guides.

Today we are getting prepped to make the run for home.
Long days and hope to do it in 3 days.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Stuff that had to be done.

Hi all
Today was a good day to get some things done.
Fuel for the truck and the camper.
Rotated tires on one side of the LSF.
Laundry and added water to trailer.
I think we are ready to make the run for home.
Now we just look for the weather window.

Yesterday, Rob and Chris took us to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake.
Packed a picnic and had a great day.

Such serious people! 😎
Nice weather and a sunny day with little to no wind.
Due to a weather inversion, the view was not spectacular.
I was surprised at how many ranches there were at one time on the island.
There was also mining.

It was good and maybe someday we will go back.
Interesting place, the island is huge,
about 42 sq miles (just about the same size as Fargo), mountains and all.
The lake was a bit low and it made no difference to us.

Bison had been introduced as a breeding herd.
Being secluded there was little to no chance of disease.

Sunset was spectacular over the lake and island.

The twilight on the Wasatch Range with Greater Salt Lake City at the edge of the lake. 

Home to appetizers,, adult beverages and some great conversations.
We are having so much fun with Rob and Chris.
Will be looking forward to the next time we can get together.

Tonight we are on our own, Rob and Chris are out with friends.
Don't have anything planned, TV and maybe a rousing game of Cribbage.
No plans, yet, for tomorrow.
One more from the island and yes, those mountains are on the island.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Friday, November 8, 2019

West Bountiful

Hi all
We had a great couple of nights at Yuba State Park.
Nearly alone both nights,
except for the deer.

Notice my sunrise watching buddy?
Just above the P in the watermark.
Nice buck!

Nighttime temps below freezing and just wonderful temps in the day.
Went for several walks with the Boyz and enjoyed the park.
Wednesday we headed to West Bountiful, just north of Salt Lake City.
Some white knuckle time on I-15
and a few slowdowns for accidents.
Made it safely and got settled into a piece of Rob and Chris's driveway.

When Chris finished work we went into Salt Lake City.
Visited the Beehive House, Brigham Young's home and office.

From there on to Temple Square.

Walked around to several buildings, Assembly Hall, the Temple, the visitor's center
and the Hotel Utah, now the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.

We also planned the trip to attend a rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Great show and a beautiful rendition of America the Beautiful and God Bless America.
And it was just a rehearsal!

Afterward, stopped and picked up cheese cake and home to dessert.

Today we are going out to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake.
Will be a great day.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Longer day than expected

Hi all
Our day at Kaibab, AZ was to visit Pipe Springs Nat. Monument.
Very interesting place.
The spring has quite a history from the Navajo and Paiute peoples, to the Mormons.
As a valuable source of fresh water used for farming and livestock,
it was fought over multiple times.
Also, being remote, it was a haven used to hide multiple wives
at a time when the US Government was pressuring the religion to
abolish that practice.

The Mormons built a defensible fort directly over the spring.

They raised cattle and crops and "exported" much to other groups.
Fun to see the buildings and hear about their lives.

Yesterday we moved on.
Headed to Kodachrome State Park.
We were disappointed when we made the turn, the road that goes by Bryce Canyon,
there was a tunnel that had a 13' 6" clearance.
We are 13' 5" and not willing to take a chance that.........
my height measurement was off,
2" of asphalt had been added to the road surface
or we just hit a small rock in the road and bounce the AC into the ceiling.
Well, we moved on to Yuba State Park.
Got there about dark, got set up and had an evening with Netflix.
Think we are going to spend 2 nights here then on to Cousin Rob and Chris's home
for a little "Mooch camping" in their driveway.

We are on the way home and now just need to find good weather to make the remaining trip.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Our turn around point

Hi all
Here at Kaibab Paiute RV Campground.
Very nice, newer, open and great views.
Also full hookups and with Passport America, just $12.50 a night.
There is a limit as to how long, just longer than we are staying.

Good trip over the Kaibab Plateau.
So much change from different areas and elevations.
Near desert to plains, to Ponderosa Pines and back to grass land.

We are just a stone's throw away from Pipe Spring National Monument.
Plan to go there today.
No other plans for today, maybe poke around the area a bit.

Twilight sky from last night.

This is the turn around point, from here we are headed home.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Friday, November 1, 2019

Just about to the turnaround point

Hi all
As I hinted last post, we went to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, yesterday.
Long drive from here, but it is a long drive, pretty much, from anywhere!
First stop was House Rock.
Built a house enclosing the bottom of a balanced rock.

Route was around the south end of Vermilion  Cliffs National Monument.
Such gorgeous colors, although the camera could hardly do it justice.

Then up, a few thousand feet to the Kaibab Plateau.
Jacob Lake, there is no lake, and then south to GCNP.

The views are great, and so nice and quiet as it closes Nov 1
Walked out to a view point and enjoyed sitting in the sunshine.

Poked into the store, which was very picked over.
Got the boyz out for a good walk.

Drove up to Point Imperial.
Great view.

Long drive back home and made it shortly after dark.
Supper and another episode of Northern Exposure.

Today we went into Page, AZ for a couple of reasons.
The Page Annual Balloon Regata and fuel.
We were disappointed as we did not see any balloons.
Did attend the street fair, then late lunch at a local pub.
Made it back home before sunset
and enjoyed a little time sitting out in the sunshine.
Temps drop fast when the sun goes behind the mesa.
Quiet evening at home and mental preparation to move on tomorrow.

Make your day great and enjoy whatever comes your way.
Tom and Millie

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Catch up time!

Hi all
It has been more than a week since I posted.
Time sure flies when you are having fun and mostly have poor data connection.
Rather than look for data, we looked at places.

From Mesa Verde we moved to Goosenecks State Park, UT
We did get a site "on the edge".

Spectacular view and once you get used to it, not to scary.

We enjoyed the stay, the view and the day trips.

Yes, that is our rig on the edge and the only one out there.
On our big day excursion we visited Valley of the Gods.

Beautiful 17 mile drive and a 4x4 high clearance vehicle was perfect.

From Valley of the Gods we drove up to Muley Point.
To get there, the Moki Dugway is a hair raising gravel,
switchback road that climbs the side of the mesa.

Millie made it, although I think there are permanent finger nail marks on the door pull.

At the top we headed out to Muley Point.

From there you can see a long way, including Monument Valley.

And then, back down again as the day was getting late.
Sad to leave and the cooling weather was pushing us on.
Packed up and did the 25 mile trip to Monument Valley.
Full hookup RV Park with all the amenities.

Planed for 3 nights and figured we could see what we wanted in those two full days.
We did, and we also encountered a problem on our last night.

Stayed one more night so we could get the slideouts cleaned/melted off.
Can't pull them in with snow and ice on them.

We took a tour of Monument Valley.
Which started out with a visit to Marie.
She was doing a Hopi rug weaving demonstration in a traditional Hogan.

Enjoyed the ride although a bit chilly.
When we stopped warming up in the sun was great.
The scenery was awesome.

And we had to get some Fry Bread.

After the tour we visited the local museum and John Wayne's Cabin.
Well, it was used as a set for a movie, but was always a root cellar.

After thawing out and getting the slides operable, and enjoying a day without plans,
we left the next day.
Couple hours to Lee's Ferry Canpground in
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area near Marble Canyon, AZ.
Feels like out in the back country, well, it is pretty much at the end of the road.
Finally 4 bars of 4G so I could catch you all up on our adventures.

Great site along the Colorado River, a few miles below Glen Canyon Dam.

Yesterday we visited Navajo Bridge over the Colorado River.

On the East side of the river it is Navajo Nation, on the West side, north of the bridge is
Glen Canyon Rec Area and south of the bridge is Grand Canyon National Park.
We hiked up to Lee's Ferry historic site, at the end of the road past the campground.
Great views of the river and the Vermilion Cliffs East side.

Weather was great, sunny, cool and just an enjoyable day with my Birthday girl.
Some of the other great views and things we saw along the road and trail.

Great day and took my Bride out for her birthday.
Tired and home to fire up the generator for another episode of Northern Exposure.

Today, headed for Grand Canyon North Rim.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...