Sunday, July 16, 2017

Hi all
What a weekend.
Right away, thanks Bruce and Mary Beth
for hosting another wild weekend.

Started out cool and nice
Got hot yesterday, real hot
About 90 and humid with a nice breeze.

Lots of relatives
Millie's family, the Carlson Family Gathering.
 Cole Cousins


Missing one sister and her husband
and a good showing from the cousins.

Food galore

and the kids were all busy with arts and crafts

playing in the woods and just general mayhem.
All so good with no issues that I saw.
Was one tired bunch when I went in for a shower last night.

Had one storm, developed right over us and moved on with little rain.
Lots of lightning.

Today breakfast was a bit simpler.
Everyone packing up to go and the kids
wanted so much more and just loved the time with their cousins.

We were even treated to a special dance.

Sure wish I had that amount of energy.

All in all a great time with the Carlson Clan.
Sure love all those Nieces, Nephews and the Grandnieces and Grandnephews.
Such wonderful kids.

Also had a visit from my Cousins Ken and Muriel.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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