Sunday, July 23, 2017

Hi all
Has been a busy few days.
Ken and Muriel had long time friends camping  here at Maple Springs.
Bob and Audry from WI and they were used to Ken so we got along great.
Friday, the six of us went for Gunderburgers!
On the way we stopped in Spillville, IA

Home of Bily Clocks museum.
Hand carved clocks by 2 brothers.

Check the website as I don't have the words
or the time to describe this great little stop.
(Photos were not allowed)
Also a place Antonin Dvorak spent some time.
All in all, if you are ever in the area, it is worth the trip.
"In the area" means, within about 100 miles.

And when you get hungry you must go to Gunder, IA
to the Irish Shanty Pub.
The only place in the world you can get a Gunderburger!
Unless you have a really big appetite, bring a friend and share.

This is the everything burger (fries are extra)
1 pound of local beef, bacon, cheese, tomato, onions (very sweet), mushrooms
and I may have forgot something.
Not only is it big, it is one of the best burgers we have found.
It is not fast food as it takes 20 minutes to cook.

It was interesting that day as the power had been knocked out
by the storms 2 days ago, so they had lost all their refrigerated food.
When we got there the truck was just finishing being unloaded.
Doors were still locked, so we sent cousin Ken to use his gift
and we were invited to come in and have a beer while the kitchen staff
gets up and running,
First item they were able to provide on the menu was the burgers and potato.
Good thing that was why we came there to eat.
So it was a great day trip and lots of fun.
And thank you Bob and Audry for the burger!

Saturday, slow start, relaxing in the AM.
Then Millie said let's go to Austin, MN.
Home of the George Hormel meat packing company.
So we packed up and headed to the Spam Museum.

Not only was the museum modern and nicely done,
they gave out free samples!
We got to taste Spam that was not even available in this country.

Many flavors are made only for specific regions of the world.
You can buy them at the attached gift shop and of course online
or in the country they are shipped to.
I was able to find a Spamjo for my friend John M.
who just retired and doesn't have anything to do, except sit on the porch and pick away.

And of course the famous, and little known, mascot, the Viking.
Who bears an amazing resemblance to cousin Ken, well kind of.

Then there is the pillar of Spam.

It was a fun place, designed with a good mix for adults and children.
Good historical info about the Hormel family,
the product and it's importance during WWII.
And what the company has done for the area and the world.
Kept us busy for an hour.
Also helped to have Ken
who of course had stories about the company and a few employees.

We pack up and leave tomorrow.
Long trip home and have to get going early, for us.
It has been a great time away from home.
So many relatives, friends and new friends, it is hard to believe 10 days have passed so quickly.

A special thanks to cousin JoAnne for letting me drink her beer.
Yeah, I know I drank Ken's beer too, but hadn't mentioned JoAnne's visit for supper the other night.
So "HI" JoAnne!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...