Sunday, July 23, 2017

Hi all
Has been a busy few days.
Ken and Muriel had long time friends camping  here at Maple Springs.
Bob and Audry from WI and they were used to Ken so we got along great.
Friday, the six of us went for Gunderburgers!
On the way we stopped in Spillville, IA

Home of Bily Clocks museum.
Hand carved clocks by 2 brothers.

Check the website as I don't have the words
or the time to describe this great little stop.
(Photos were not allowed)
Also a place Antonin Dvorak spent some time.
All in all, if you are ever in the area, it is worth the trip.
"In the area" means, within about 100 miles.

And when you get hungry you must go to Gunder, IA
to the Irish Shanty Pub.
The only place in the world you can get a Gunderburger!
Unless you have a really big appetite, bring a friend and share.

This is the everything burger (fries are extra)
1 pound of local beef, bacon, cheese, tomato, onions (very sweet), mushrooms
and I may have forgot something.
Not only is it big, it is one of the best burgers we have found.
It is not fast food as it takes 20 minutes to cook.

It was interesting that day as the power had been knocked out
by the storms 2 days ago, so they had lost all their refrigerated food.
When we got there the truck was just finishing being unloaded.
Doors were still locked, so we sent cousin Ken to use his gift
and we were invited to come in and have a beer while the kitchen staff
gets up and running,
First item they were able to provide on the menu was the burgers and potato.
Good thing that was why we came there to eat.
So it was a great day trip and lots of fun.
And thank you Bob and Audry for the burger!

Saturday, slow start, relaxing in the AM.
Then Millie said let's go to Austin, MN.
Home of the George Hormel meat packing company.
So we packed up and headed to the Spam Museum.

Not only was the museum modern and nicely done,
they gave out free samples!
We got to taste Spam that was not even available in this country.

Many flavors are made only for specific regions of the world.
You can buy them at the attached gift shop and of course online
or in the country they are shipped to.
I was able to find a Spamjo for my friend John M.
who just retired and doesn't have anything to do, except sit on the porch and pick away.

And of course the famous, and little known, mascot, the Viking.
Who bears an amazing resemblance to cousin Ken, well kind of.

Then there is the pillar of Spam.

It was a fun place, designed with a good mix for adults and children.
Good historical info about the Hormel family,
the product and it's importance during WWII.
And what the company has done for the area and the world.
Kept us busy for an hour.
Also helped to have Ken
who of course had stories about the company and a few employees.

We pack up and leave tomorrow.
Long trip home and have to get going early, for us.
It has been a great time away from home.
So many relatives, friends and new friends, it is hard to believe 10 days have passed so quickly.

A special thanks to cousin JoAnne for letting me drink her beer.
Yeah, I know I drank Ken's beer too, but hadn't mentioned JoAnne's visit for supper the other night.
So "HI" JoAnne!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Hi all
Great time here in Maple Springs Campground
Weather has been hot and humid
Finally got a thunderstorm through last evening.
Good wind, heavy rain and nothing else.
Glad we got it as the humidity was beginning to get down to 60%.

Yesterday did a bit of grocery shopping, only about 20 miles away
Millie and Muriel spent some time with
and the rest of the time was relaxing and socializing.
Late in the afternoon we had entertainment watching radar and where the active storms were.
A lot of excitement as there was some severe weather in the area but fortunately spared us.
Millie's sister and her husband came over and joined us for supper and fun conversation.
Good thing Ken and Muriel have a bigger RV than ours.
It was not so crowded and much more convenient for supper and visiting.

Monday afternoon we went to Lanesboro for ice cream
and just looking around the definitely tourist town.
Got our own little car show and these are for Cousin Ed

1957 Studebaker Golden Hawk
Wasn't for sale, I believe, as the owner said he would sell his wife first.
Less than 50k miles and as far as I could tell, all original, except the Rt 66 mirror hanger.
289 super charged engine and looked like a "3 on the tree".

Did some driving in the area and with Ken as a guide saw some neat country.
All pretty and green if you could see over the corn.
My first time ever at Bucksnort Park.

Small but very scenic.
Watched the Trout working to jump the dam, just none showed up in the photos.
And yes, it really is called Bucksnort Park.

Today we are going to Cresco
NO, it's a town in Iowa, not competition for Sam's Club or Costco.
Going to look at RV's, even though it is not likely we would replace our beloved BWB.
Now that we have got everything working right and all known modifications made.
Millie and Muriel are going to the Quilt shop there so I guess the back of the truck
needs to be cleaned out to make room for new purchases. LOL

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hi all
Another beautiful Minnesota summer day.

We made our shortest travel day yet on Monday.
Left Bethany, MN and made our way to
Maple Springs Campground a few miles south of Wykoff, MN
Now don't go running to your maps to find out
it was a 45 mile trip and took about an hour.
Yeah, was a tiring drive. LOL

Beautiful country and a great campground.

Owners are super nice and unfortunately older
and anyone wanting to know how to run a wonderful seasonal campground
you should come here and ask for lessons.
You could also make them an offer as the place would be sold for a reasonable price.
The only drawbacks to this place is
no showers or laundry. However, not only is it maintained like a park,
the creek is nice and clear so you could rinse off and if you wanted
beat your clothes on a rock.
OK, not likely to happen so it helps to be prepared and self contained.

Yes, we do have water, electricity and sewer so no real inconvenience other than
having enough clothes and towels along or plan to find a laundromat.
Plan on a few day trips to find groceries.

Cousins Ken and Muriel are here for the summer
so we have well versed guides for the area.
However this morning we are just relaxing after the busy
fun and relative filled weekend.
So many great memories.

Off to relax and stay cool
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Hi all
What a weekend.
Right away, thanks Bruce and Mary Beth
for hosting another wild weekend.

Started out cool and nice
Got hot yesterday, real hot
About 90 and humid with a nice breeze.

Lots of relatives
Millie's family, the Carlson Family Gathering.
 Cole Cousins


Missing one sister and her husband
and a good showing from the cousins.

Food galore

and the kids were all busy with arts and crafts

playing in the woods and just general mayhem.
All so good with no issues that I saw.
Was one tired bunch when I went in for a shower last night.

Had one storm, developed right over us and moved on with little rain.
Lots of lightning.

Today breakfast was a bit simpler.
Everyone packing up to go and the kids
wanted so much more and just loved the time with their cousins.

We were even treated to a special dance.

Sure wish I had that amount of energy.

All in all a great time with the Carlson Clan.
Sure love all those Nieces, Nephews and the Grandnieces and Grandnephews.
Such wonderful kids.

Also had a visit from my Cousins Ken and Muriel.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Hi all
Hope you are enjoying your Summer
Just enough sun for you
Time enjoying the outdoors
maybe some fishing
road trips!
And a little bit of Duck Butt.

We are on the move again
although just a short trip to southern MN
Millie's family gathering this weekend
and then a week with a cousin of mine
near Mystery Cave State Park

Was fun getting the Big White Box ready to go again.
A few minor issues and now all is well.
At least everything is working as intended.
Especially the AC as the temps will be on the toasty side
and it won't be a "dry" heat.

Will update as I can since wifi and  internet at the campground
will be slow at best.

Relax and avoid the mosquitoes.

Make everyday great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...