Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rain Rain Rain!

Hi all
Welcome to East Texas!
Nice overcast humid day for yesterday's travel to Longview, TX
Got set up and watch the storm system slowly work it's way here.
Got laundry done and made contact with my cousin Cliff.
After phone issues, he drove out here to be sure we didn't get any wires crossed.
Had a nice visit and made plans for today, Tuesday.
Storms came in and we had a great light show, tornado warnings nearby
and lots of rain, fortunately no tornados.
We only had a few gusts of wind, nothing crazy.
Slept really well, other than being woke up by an occasional loud crash of thunder.
Supposed to rain all day, off and on, and stay cool.
Will get together with Cliff and Joy this afternoon
and plan to go out for supper this evening.

Tomorrow we move on to Hochatown, OK
for a long weekend with cousins Mike and Linda.
Well, not quite "with", they have a cabin and we will still be in the BWB a few miles away.
Looking forward to spending time with them.

Just a photo to remind us of dryer times!

Make your day great
and if you are in East Texas, stay dry!
Tom and Millie

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