Sunday, April 16, 2017

Party, Party, Party

Hi all
Wow, yesterday all it seems we did was party.
Started out nice and easy, breakfast at the BWB with Mike and Linda.
Mike and Tootsie couldn't resist posing.

Was really more like brunch, but we had breakfast just at a later time.
Visited for a while then went to the Birthday party at Beaver's Bend Brewery.

It was the Brewery's first anniversary of opening, live music, snacks and BBQ by a local restaurant.
Music was great, snacks were good, the BBQ was delicious, beer was good and the company was, well we are related so of course it was great.
Mike and Tootsie seemed to love the camera.
Looks to me like Tootsie is guarding Mike's beer,with that "Don't even think about it" look.

Once we partied out, didn't take too long, we went back to Mike and Linda's for a bit of R&R.

Rehydrated and headed out for supper at the Moon Tower Restaurant and of course being Saturday night, live music on their outdoor stage.

Food was great.
The smoked ribs were almost too smoky and they were delicious.
Back to the cabin for another small taste of good Scotch then home to the BWB.
Pancho had had enough and fell into his "drunk" look sleep.

Edit a few images and in for a good night's sleep.
That was our party day, not sure what today brings after starting with brunch over at "Dream Chaser" cabin, that's the name of Mike and Linda's rental cabin.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...