Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Packed up and ready to head north

Hi all
Today we rested this morning and figured out what to do today.
Believe it or not, Western Iowa and East Nebraska has a lot of wineries.
This afternoon we stopped at a Thrift Store and even found a few small items.
Then over to Bodega Victoriana Winery.
Fun place and we bought some to enjoy at the lake this summer.
From there we went to Vine Street Cellars and tasted a few more, but only bought one.
Beer was next at the Keg Creek Brewery.

Tasted some and enjoyed several.
Time for food.......
Catfish Lake Restaurant and Lounge.

Of course I had Catfish

and Millie had Walleye

Both were excellent.
No left over Catfish.

Home to the BWB at the Offutt Family Camp at Base Lake.

Several lines of storms have gone through, but the worst of it missed us.
Did get some rain, just no severe weather at the campground.
All in all a great day.
Tomorrow we head north for about 400+ miles.
Will be a long day and will be nice to be home.

Make tomorrow great.
Tom and Millie

Offutt Air Force Base Family Camp

Hi all
Yesterday felt really long.
325 miles with no issues and now we are resting up for the big push home tomorrow.
Actually going to try and leave "early" tomorrow, for us that will be before 9 AM.
Going to poke around today and see what the area here is like.
Thunderstorms, cloudy and "wet" all day so we will be looking for inside stuff.
That's about it, no big things to report and no big plans.
This little fella joined me for coffee this morning.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

First leg home

Hi all
Left Hochatown, OK yesterday morning in the rain.
Rained for several hours as we traveled through the Winding Stair Nat. Rec. area.
Where we were driving above the clouds.

We did eventually drive out of the wet stuff and with a light tail wind, we enjoyed the scenery.
Spent the night at the Carthage, MO Walmart.
Was pretty quiet, of course you could not hear much over the diesel truck idling next to us.
Or the refer units running on some of the trucks.
After only a few minutes it just became "white" noise and I slept really well.
Can't knock free places to overnight.

Today we head to Offutt Air Force Base Family Camp next to Omaha, NE.
Going to spend 2 nights there and hopefully Millie's shipmate will be available to visit.
Hoping to "follow" the rain today instead of driving in the precipitation.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Monday, April 17, 2017


Hi All
After a super day with Mike and Linda, we have to all pack up and return to our separate lives.
Mike and Linda came out here to relax and I hope we did not impact that too seriously.
Well, maybe assisted, as we sure enjoyed the laid back days we spent with them.
So happy we were able to meet up and especially under such good conditions and weather.
And good food.

Today it is raining, almost like Oregon.
Have packed up and ready to hook up and move on.
Have to get to it quickly as we are in between rain showers.

Make your day great and stay dry if you have rain.
Tom and Millie

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Party, Party, Party

Hi all
Wow, yesterday all it seems we did was party.
Started out nice and easy, breakfast at the BWB with Mike and Linda.
Mike and Tootsie couldn't resist posing.

Was really more like brunch, but we had breakfast just at a later time.
Visited for a while then went to the Birthday party at Beaver's Bend Brewery.

It was the Brewery's first anniversary of opening, live music, snacks and BBQ by a local restaurant.
Music was great, snacks were good, the BBQ was delicious, beer was good and the company was, well we are related so of course it was great.
Mike and Tootsie seemed to love the camera.
Looks to me like Tootsie is guarding Mike's beer,with that "Don't even think about it" look.

Once we partied out, didn't take too long, we went back to Mike and Linda's for a bit of R&R.

Rehydrated and headed out for supper at the Moon Tower Restaurant and of course being Saturday night, live music on their outdoor stage.

Food was great.
The smoked ribs were almost too smoky and they were delicious.
Back to the cabin for another small taste of good Scotch then home to the BWB.
Pancho had had enough and fell into his "drunk" look sleep.

Edit a few images and in for a good night's sleep.
That was our party day, not sure what today brings after starting with brunch over at "Dream Chaser" cabin, that's the name of Mike and Linda's rental cabin.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Catching up

Hi all
Yesterday was very nice, breakfast with Mike and Linda at their "cabin" in the woods.
Then we spent the day on the deck visiting, eating and a few adult beverages, later.

I was amazed at how fast the day went by.
We did get around to burgers, hot dogs and baked beans for supper.

Cousin Mike at the grill.

Linda making it all perfect in the kitchen.

Seems like all we did in the afternoon was eat, drink and visit.

Looking back, that was what we did.
Pancho the bartender serving Millie her refilled glass .

The outdoor space was perfect for an afternoon/evening.
And the fireplace added the ideal ambiance for enjoying the space.
So much fun.
I find it interesting that only Elska and Pancho managed to get into photos.
Lefty and Tootsie (Mike and Linda's Chihuahua) must have been camera shy, maybe today.

Thanks Mike and Linda for hosting, the food was great
the place was fantastic
and the company was priceless!

Let's make today great
Tom and Millie

Friday, April 14, 2017


Hi all
Yesterday, after getting laundry done and taking it easy around the RV Park, we went exploring.
Drove out to see the "cabin" Cousin Mike and Linda are staying in for the weekend.
Then started exploring the new development in that area.
Lots of construction and lots of new "cabins".
Looks like everything from 2 bedroom simpler looking places to mega homes meant to look like cabins, except they look much more like lodges.
Beautiful area around here with hills and trees.

Very much like northern Minnesota.
Pancho and Lefty got to get out and run loose.
They didn't go far and were so distracted by all the new smells.

We found out way to Broken Bow Lake State Park.
This is just a small arm of the lake, actually a reservoir.

Once we found out way back out of the woods, we stopped for a cool one on the patio.
Beaver's Bend Brewery here at Hochatown, OK.

The patio is pet friendly so Pancho and Lefty joined us while we tasted beer and enjoyed the cool breeze.
Back to the BWB for a custom handmade sandwich, and finally a campfire.
One advantage to an area that gets more rain.

Today the party starts with breakfast at Mike and Linda's.
No idea what will happen after.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tiny Town

Hi all
Well, here we are at Tiny Town RV Park.

All set up and ready to PARTY!
Yeah, right.
Made it here early afternoon.
Uneventful trip, mostly cloudy and slight tail wind.
Walked the fur kids a few times and I got in a nap.
Slept really hard and it was difficult to wake up fully.
Managed it and was still able to go to bed early and sleep great.
Millie made her famous "golden" supper.........
Breaded fish fillets, hashbrowns and cheesy cauliflower.
I ate a bit too much as it was soooo good.
Today we will poke around Hochatown, Oklahoma
and see what the area has to offer.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

More wonderful people!

Hi all
Yesterday started out easy
Slept in
walked the dogs
light breakfast
and some trailer duties.
After noon we headed over to my cousin Cliff and Joy's house.
Had a wonderful time visiting
looking at projects
and watching the fur kids play.
Cleo, their fur kid, is a  long hair Daschund

after a few tense minutes, they all figured out how to get along.
Cliff and Joy's yard is large and fenced so ours
really enjoyed the freedom to run.
Lefty had to make friends with the Hostess and Chef!

After the great meal, Lefty made his way to Cliff's lap and join him watching TV.

There was, at one point, a plan to go out to eat
however we were treated to an excellent meal
of Pork ribs, seasoned potatoes and green beans.
Not only did Joy make it look easy, it tasted wonderful.
Thanks Joy for making your kitchen better than any restaurant.
It was so hard to leave and go back to the BWB.
Wonderful hosts and a beautiful home.

Back at the BWB, the sky was putting on a little show.
Moonrise, stars and a jet's con-trail.

Today we head to Hochatown, OK
to meet up with cousin Mike and Linda.
You can find it on a map if you look.

Definitely now heading north.
about another 8-10 days and we should be home.
After watching the fur kids in Cliff and Joy's yard,
I think the boyz will be happy to get home to their yard.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rain Rain Rain!

Hi all
Welcome to East Texas!
Nice overcast humid day for yesterday's travel to Longview, TX
Got set up and watch the storm system slowly work it's way here.
Got laundry done and made contact with my cousin Cliff.
After phone issues, he drove out here to be sure we didn't get any wires crossed.
Had a nice visit and made plans for today, Tuesday.
Storms came in and we had a great light show, tornado warnings nearby
and lots of rain, fortunately no tornados.
We only had a few gusts of wind, nothing crazy.
Slept really well, other than being woke up by an occasional loud crash of thunder.
Supposed to rain all day, off and on, and stay cool.
Will get together with Cliff and Joy this afternoon
and plan to go out for supper this evening.

Tomorrow we move on to Hochatown, OK
for a long weekend with cousins Mike and Linda.
Well, not quite "with", they have a cabin and we will still be in the BWB a few miles away.
Looking forward to spending time with them.

Just a photo to remind us of dryer times!

Make your day great
and if you are in East Texas, stay dry!
Tom and Millie

Monday, April 10, 2017

Warm and humid

Hi all
Pretty Texas flowers to start the day.

Maybe the residents here think this is nice weather,
and really it was 80°+ with 60% humidity, yesterday.
For us coming from many weeks in the desert,
even with temps in the 90's, where the humidity was often around 10%
it felt uncomfortable.
We did a little shopping in the morning
then spent the afternoon doing short walks with the fur kids
and grabbing a nap or two.

Later in the afternoon,
Millie's cousin made contact with us
and they made supper plans.
Great Italian place and the best company.
Gary and Dawn,

Mike and Jane's daughter,
were able to join us and

the six of us had a great time.

Thanks Jane and Mike for your hospitality

and great choice of eatery.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Today we pack up and move to Longview, TX
Also is the start of the first real rain we have seen
since we first left last fall.
Hope to get to Longview and set up before
any of the rain gets heavy.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Denton, TX

HI all
Just peeking out to start the day!
Skipped a day again.
Friday we made the short trip from Eastland, TX Walmart to
Post Oak Place RV Park in Denton, TX.
Easy day and all freeway driving.
We got to drive on the public portion of the
Texas Motor Speedway (I-35 W) LOL
It is Race Weekend and wow, the people at
the speedway and the RV parks.
Guess we were lucky to get a spot here.

Saturday we spent the morning enjoying the RV Park
Kind of a neat little spot in the city.
Lots of real trees and grass, and it is all green!
I do thing the desert, and all the dust was getting to us.
Of course, now the humidity is in the 50-60% range
so glad it is only in the low 80's.
However, it only got down to 70° last night.
Had to remove the down comforter.
Also have the city sounds, freeway, train and airplanes.
Can't see as many stars and lots more people.
Glad there are still places, in this country, you can go to get away,
see the stars, hear the breeze in the tree and be alone with your thoughts.

After lunch, yesterday, we went to Millie's cousins
and spent the afternoon visiting.
Picked up a pizza for supper so we could enjoy the conversation
without being in a noisy restaurant.
Back to BWB by dark for a short walk with the fur kids, they were with us all day.
Watch the news and head for bed.

Overcast, breezy and cool today.
Later we will get back to Millie's cousins
and go out to eat with them and 2 of their kids.
Will be fun to visit with them all.
So fun to catchup with people you hardly ever see.

Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

Friday, April 7, 2017

Oil or wind?

Hi all
Yesterday we left Big Bend and did well over 400 miles.
I know to a lot of you that doesn't sound like a long day,
and it wouldn't be if traveling at or 5 over highway speeds.
However, we travel at 60 - 65 mph.
Couple of reasons
trailer tires are only rated at 65 mph max
15 to 25 mph cross winds make higher speeds feel unstable
and we get to enjoy being able to glance away from the road
to enjoy snapshots of the scenery.

Of course this is Texas
and you would expect oil wells every 10 feet
OK, not quite that often
Along our route most of the time you could see at least 20 or 30 wells.
Some times a lot more and at time less.
The towns had oil related businesses lining the highway
and oil related traffic was significant.
What we did not expect was
wind generators, lots of them and at one time
the horizon looked like a picket fence.

So it looks like big energy is working to extract energy from 2 available sources.
Solar does not seem as popular here as west of here, at least we are not seeing it.
Not into to many residential area to see.

Today we continue on into Denton, TX
just north of Ft Worth where Millie's cousin Jane lives.
A short visit, but so nice to see people we know.

Nice weather for a few more days
with chances of rain going up after the weekend.
No storm warnings so maybe just some rain.
Walmart morning sunrise!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Good by to Big Bend

Hi all
Today we say good by to the big bend area of Texas.
We have had a great, once in a lifetime visit here.
Have really developed more of an understanding about
how the west was won!
Took a lot of tough people willing to tame the elements
and do an amazing amount of hard work.
These were people that did not ask for anything
they just went out and did.
Success or failure, they just kept going.

Now we start moving towards home.
a few stops along the way and visits with special people.
I will update as possible as there will be many stops we may not have internet.
Also with long days on the road, the camera gets ignored.
Making lots of miles and stopping to sleep are more of a priority.
Still going to have fun and see lots of new places.

Go and make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

More Big Bend and Terlingua, TX

Hi all

Working with slow internet has got me to skip days of posting to this blog.
I, as you, would rather be out enjoying the beautiful weather and country.
Monday we went to the east side of the park.
It is at least a 1 hour drive to the end of the road and much longer if you take side trips.
And, of course, we did for a few extra photos.
Went up in the mountains and enjoyed the views and cooler temps.

Was only temporary as we still had a long way to go.
Had to stop and get some cactus flowers
a Century Plant flower stalk, just starting
and the road ahead.

And along the way, WE DID FIND HIM!
Have to look close at the plate!
Lots of desert to cross to get anywhere.
End of the road was a very nice overlook of the Rio Grande and Mexico.

Got to watch “illegal” border crossings.

Some Mexican Nationals cross the river and set up little displays of goods for sale.

The Park newspaper notifies visitors that this is illegal crossings and commerce.

Looks like everybody wants to get some of my dollars.

From there we went to the "historic" Hot Springs.

Right along the Rio Grande and a 105°, just like a hot tub.
And of course a flowing shrub along the path.

The road in was rough, narrow and in one part of the canyon it was divided one way.

On the way back we stopped at a “oasis” where a natural spring had attracted settlers.
Now just a windmill and picnic area for us to eat a late lunch.

Also flowers, these may have been weeds.

And a parting shot of desert and mountains.

Back to the BWB for sunset and supper.
Yesterday, Tuesday, we went to the Terlingua Ghost Town.

The town was originally established as a mining town.
Cinnabar deposits were mined for the mercury.
Now the area seems holding on only due to the tourist economy.
First we visited the Cemetery.

Was a bit more depressing than usual as almost all of the dates we could read were younger than me.
I guess life in the desert is hard.
We then went up to the Starlight Theater and the store next door.

Some locals adding "color" to the front porch of the store.

Shopped and bought a few things for gifts while we looked at most everything.
Was fun and enjoyed the lack of crowds.
Found a few interesting items along the road,
A dragonfly? Or maybe a wasp?

And some of the ruins of the ghost town.

Home to the BWB and some adult beverages and balancing the check book.
Once that was completed we went out for supper.

Food was good and now we have left overs for supper tomorrow.
Weather was perfect for sitting on the patio.
This pretty girl decided either we were dog friendly of very sloppy and would drop lots of food.

She stayed with us almost the entire time we were there.
She did belong to one of the servers and apparently spends lots of time at the establishment.

Home to BWB and a long walk with the fur kids.
Early to bed and slept great.
Today, trailer duties, laundry and packing up to travel to Ft. Worth.
About 600 miles and we have 2+ days to make our way leisurely across Texas.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...