Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wild weather in Apache Junction

Hi all
Been a really great day!
First a photo of our trip through Joshua Tree NP
on our way to Mesa, AZ

Slept in after a nice evening with Dennis and Connie.
I think the Elderberry Wine was the culprit.
Maybe even staying up late visiting about old
times and clients.

A relaxing morning,
a bit of straightening out the BWB
and regular trailer duties.
Had a few thunderstorms pass through.
Some heavy short rain bursts
and hail, of all things.
Small and no damage so all is well.

Dennis and Connie came by
in the afternoon.
Visited for a while then decided to head up to
Goldfield Ghost Town, AZ.
Old gold mining town with some restored buildings
and lots of shops.

The view of the Superstition Mountains was fantastic.
The left over clouds from the earlier storm added some drama to the view,
Also make for great lighting on the peaks.

Then went to the Mammoth Steakhouse and Saloon for supper.
Live music, tasty beer and great burgers.
The music was not real loud, just enough it was not easy to have a conversation.
So we sang along and enjoyed the food and entertainment.
Sure was a lot of fun.

A wonderful day with wonderful people.

Thanks to Dennis and Connie for great suggestions.
Looks like there is more to come with their great leads.
At home and walking the dogs down the Palm lined street.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

PS: I finally realized I had not changed my watermark on the images.
Hopefully I will correct for future photos.
Really, I did take these this year.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Travel day

Hi all
Up early and packing,
headed to Mesa, AZ.
Actually staying in Apache Wells, AZ
on the west side of Mesa.
We are planning to meet up with Dennis and Connie.
I worked for and contracted to their business
when I was still working as a carpenter.

This is how hard it is to get up in the morning.
Even Elska and Lefty are cuddling.

Hoping for another uneventful drive
and we will be going through Joshua Tree NP.
Going south to I-10 then east to Mesa.
Not looking forward to the big city traffic
however there isn't much other choice
if you don't want to go 100 miles out of the way.

Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Just hanging out!

Hi all
Yesterday was fun, not exciting but fun.
Relaxed in the morning sun.

I know this is a repeat photo but we are still here
and the weather is just perfect.
Got laundry put together and
Millie took care of that duty.
I did trailer cleaning and other duties,
and just as I laid down to rest,
Millie called and was ready for a ride "home".
Last evening we went to "Fiesta"
Appears to be a weekly event
good meal and got to visit with other Park residents.
Some short term, like us, and some that spend the winter here.
Food was good
and the entertainment was a local DJ
that is here often.
Us "old folks" got out and danced
me not much, but some of these folks sure enjoyed.

The lady closest in black is 92
and she was one good dancer.

Today we only have planned
a few local "thrift" shops
and getting prepared to move to Mesa tomorrow.

Millie says: If you need something and you didn’t bring it – shop the thrift stores.  Casserole dish with cover - $2, Corelle ware plates – 50 cents each,  if you need holiday decorations – cheap and you can re-donate them when you are done and take the deduction.  

Now I'm not sure that we are missing anything,
but Millie thinks we need to shop........ so I go along.
Mostly because I enjoy spending time with her.

Go out and make your day great!
Tom and Millie

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Joshua Tree NP

Hi all
As promised, we visited JTNP yesterday.

It really is a magical place.
The rocks, vegetation and lack of visitors.

Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of people.
Just not enough to get on my nerves.
Except for the people that had to see the park fast.
Maybe I was enjoying the scenery.

Everything is so green, well, at least for the desert.
The neat part was the Joshua trees were blooming.

Lots of them and
since I had never seen that before (no Joshua trees in ND)

I was impressed at the size of the blossom.
The bud were very pretty.

The blossoms are huge, at least a foot long.

A few other things were happening at the park.
This is often the way it is walking three dogs.
The furkids had a hard time knowing which direction to go.

Watch the rock climbers,

look at the scenery, or

(as Elska says) let's eat!

Today was stay at home Thursday
Washed the truck

the windows in the BWB and
took a short nap.
Millie quilted!
When the "work" day came to an end
we enjoyed adult beverages watching the sunset.

Don't know yet what tomorrow will bring.
We will just plan to make it a great day.

Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Twentynine Palms, CA

Hi all
Trip here was uneventful,
perfect way to travel.
Stopped for lunch on an off road turnaround.
Great view out the window.

A little change of plans.
We were unable to find a campsite in
Joshua Tree National Park.
The last day of a long weekend and the park was packed.
We are staying at a RV Park
That we stayed at last year when here.
Therefore we are NOT off the grid.
And great sunrises.

And looking the other direction with the sun on the mountains.

So we decided to spend a week, and
picnic in the park to avoid the crowds.

Did a bit of fun shopping today.
Revisited a quilt and gift shop in Yucca Valley,
we were there last year and glad we came back.
Seems the owners are selling out and retiring.
Great little shop, sorry to see it go
but, happy the owners can retire.
Millie shopped at a little consignment shop
and I filled the jugs with water.
Then over to Tractor Supply Co.
and Millie to the 99 Cent store.
After we both went to Harbor Freight.
Made for a fun day and we didn’t even spend much.
Back to the BWB and relaxing
watching the sunset  sitting outside
and enjoying the weather, and an adult beverage.

Tomorrow we are into the Park.
Picnic lunch and beautiful scenery.
Won’t do much hiking, as dogs are not welcome
out of the parking lots or off park roads.

Plan to make your tomorrow great.
Tom and Millie

Monday, February 20, 2017

Moving day!

Hi all
First my recap of Sunday's events
Had a nice relaxing morning
Millie was quilting
I was doing trailer duties,
oh wait, Millie was relaxing!
And accomplished a lot!

Started prep for moving.
Then I dropped Millie off to do laundry, no, that is not a female job,
just that she does it so well.
While she was busy with laundry I went grocery shopping,
did you see that coming?
We finished up about the same time rushed home, put the groceries away,
then went and had a spaghetti and meatball supper.
Park had the supper to raise money for projects around the park.
Eight bucks each and the meal was great.
Included one beverage, adult or not, ice cream and cookies for desert.
After, back at the BWB, we continued putting "stuff" away and getting ready for moving.
I just had to get out and get a few photos from near the RV park

Bathed the fur kids and ourselves then sort of early to bed.
We are going to miss this RV park, friendly people and staff
nice weather and nice big sites.
Lord willing we will return here.

This morning we just need to finish up a few things hook up and head further south.
Hoping for Joshua Tree Nat. Park for a campsite.
There we will be off the grid so posts will likely not occur until
we go into town or move to the next place.
So blog will return after a few days.
Just one more and in black and white.

Make today and everyday great.
Tom and Millie

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Rain in the desert

Hi all
What to do when it rains.

Yesterday we spent our rainy day
at a Quilt show to start.
It was at the Nevada Treasures RV Resort.
Really nice RV park and a bit on the higher price end.
After the Quilt show we went to the winery.
A couple of views from the Pickup along the road.
Showing how the desert looks when it is not dry and sunny.

Unbelievable how green everything is
and it isn't even spring yet!
Back at the RV park for a photo of our site.

A bit later the rain came through again.

Stayed dry and watched a movie
and got a little rest.
Then got ready to go out,
but had to get photos of the clearing.
And sunset.

And the clouds clinging to the mountains.

Went out to eat with Steve and Peggy.
Casino restaurant for "All you can eat Prime Rib"
The food was great,
although the company was better.

Going to find it hard to leave tomorrow
we have really enjoyed out time at this park
and Pahrump in general.
Steve and Peggy sure helped to make is special.

Packing up, laundry, fur kid baths
and trailer duties for today.
Morning photo of our camp site.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Friday, February 17, 2017

Tecopa, CA

Hi all
Yesterday was a success!
Great trip out to Tecopa, CA
With Steve and Peggy.
The weather was wonderful
Especially for photos.

Storm coming in for Friday and Saturday
So the sky was very dramatic.

Went to China Ranch, a date "orchard?"

And had a “Date Shake”, mmmm, yummy.
While there, Peggy, pointed out the Wise Men!

Also found some Date tree fronds and thought the patterns were so neat.

Don't tell the kids, but we found our new retirement home!

Wandered out into the desert for a bit
On a less than well maintained road
And had some beautiful views of the Amargosa River Valley.

Checked out Tecopa Hot Springs and the RV parks.
Not a tree in sight and nothing but dirt.
I think day trips only, for us, to that area.
While there we tried to stop at Death Valley Brewing
But the brewery is only open Fri-Sun.
The little “Beer Stop” next door was open
So we hoped for a DVB beverage,

But, alas, he was sold out so we had to have bottle beer.
Although, since we were ready to kick back and enjoy
The beer was great, outdoors around the fire pit
With such great company.
We even had a local musician
Entertain us with a song.

Got back to Pahrump just as the sun set!
Home for a simple meal, photoshopping,
And early to bed.

Minor cleaning
Quilt show in town
And some shopping.

Make your day great

Tom and Millie

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Out into the desert today!

Hi all
Bet you guessed where we are going today.
Decided it was time I got busy
finding some images.
That means quit hibernating
and go see the world.
Steve and Peggy will be joining us
which means the trip will be
extra special.

The RV park we are in
is member owned.
I have to admit, I could spend
a lot more time here in the future
should we decide to travel less.
The people are friendly and the activities
seem more easy going.

Well, I need to get rolling
to get ready to have breakfast,
get the dogs walked and the truck
ready for 4 adults

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Morning from Pahrump

Hi all
Hope you each had a nice Valentine's Day
We relaxed, napped, grocery shopped
and had a great Valentine's Day Supper
with Steve and Peggy.
After we sat out on the patio
with a nice fire.
Pancho and Lefty picked the appropriate laps.

Was chilly and clear so we had stars
and a great moon rise.

Today we have a few trailer duties today
and just again some relaxing.
Sunny, no wind and temps will be warming this afternoon.
So will be more patio time.
Decided to stay a full week
which means we can make some plans.
Places to visit and things to do.
Also there is a Quilt show this weekend.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Monday, February 13, 2017


Hi all
We packed up the BWB
pulled up stakes
made like a tree..........
Well, you get the idea.
We moved to Pahrump, NV
Checked into the RV Park we stayed at last year.
Good reason too,
less than $18 a night
and full hookups.

Trip over was a nice drive.
No excitement, which is good.
Beautiful scenery.

There is even some green visible.
And lots of snow in the mountains.

All settled in with plans for Valentine's Day
with my Cousin Steve and his lovely bride, Peggy.
Millie is starting quilting
so I guess that means we will be staying put for a bit.

I am finding a few things that were forgotten at home.
So far able to replace them at little cost,
and I know right where they are at home!
Just never thought to get that box out of the garage.
Oh well, sh!t happens.
Deal with it!

No plans any further than dinner out.
How ever, we are really enjoying the weather.
So, will have to update you as it goes.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Still in Henderson

HI all
We are still here and getting lots done.
New paws on the trailer
washed the trailer
will be washing the truck.
And best of all enjoying out time with Shawn and Mark

Church today
Then I don't know what.
Have to get ready to move on tomorrow.
Heading to Pahrump.
I really just like saying that name.

We have so enjoyed our time here.
I may have gained a pound or two.
Finally today some sunshine.
Yesterday was cool, windy, cloudy and occasional rain.
Yes, I was that guy washing the trailer in the rain!

Still working out a plan for our travels.
A couple of places to visit and people to see,
other than those it will be as the wind blows and
our whims overcome us.

NO photos today, sorry.
I will try harder.
Make your day great with God's blessing
Tom and Millie

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Getting stuff done

Hi all
First thing this morning
we relaxed.
It was pleasant while we waited
for the temps to go up.
Low 50's this morning
and that was in the trailer.
It was also a hard morning for Pancho

Not sure if he was protecting it
or just was too tired to continue eating.

Picked up some supplies to wash the roof of the BWB.
Shopped a bit at Harbor Freight for Nitril gloves
for doing the dirty jobs associated with the camper.
Flushed and filled the fresh water tank
and got the truck filled with fuel.
Mark and Shawn's for supper and a bit of TV watching.
We have to leave soon, the food is so good when eating with them.

Filling our days with relaxing and
enjoying the balmy weather.
Millie is caught up on the scrapbook for
Big Adventure 2.

Tomorrow we get new tires for the BWB
and move up to Mark and Shawn's.
Millie is waiting for an order to arrive
then we will be heading for Pahrump, NV
to visit with Steve and Peggy.

This retired life is great
spend time with great people
see beautiful and interesting places
and enjoy, with the love of my life,
the little time we have left on this earth.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...