Thursday, September 29, 2016

Yellowstone Country

Good Morning All

Yes, I am back to posting yesterday today.
Since I wake up and let Millie sleep in a bit,
I process and post in the morning.
Either that or wake her up,
I just find it is so relaxing to get the computer work done
with her sleeping softly in the background.
OK and listening to Elska snore.

Went for a drive yesterday up to "Earthquake Lake"
It does sound like a disaster flick
and if they made a movie about it
there would not be a lot of Hollywood exaggeration.
In August of 1959 a 7.0 earthquake shook the region.
The side of a mountain sheered off and slid into the Madison River Valley.
Creating a huge natural earthen dam.

Also burying part of a campground.
Well, rather than me rewriting the event
should you be interested here is a link to explore.

After that drive and waiting for "Pilot Car" to get through the construction.
We drove down to the Madison River between the two lakes.

Watched lots of people fishing and enjoyed the scenery.

Then back by Hebgen Lake and saw some of the damage
from the lake bottom dropping during the quake.

Then back to our "Big White Box"
Shortly after Rob and Chris arrived
After they were set up we all went out for supper
at the Slippery Otter.
Good food and great to get to know more family.

Slept pretty good, air is a bit thin and dry
and we will get used to it as we don't expect
much change for a while.

Now you can all go make your day great!
Tom and Millie

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 September 24 Hello all you followers, I hope your are OK patiently waiting for each installment. With the Holidays it seems to be hard to...