Friday, October 23, 2015

On our way again.

Was really hard to leave Lee and Gaye's. They are such gracious hosts and a lot of fun.
Our puppies are suffering a bit of separation blues.
They really liked Gaye and she just adopted them right in.
Left Osoyoos ( Oh-sue-yoos) about 11 AM and headed for the border.
A bit of a line at the border station, wait about 15-20 minutes.
Agent talked so fast it was hard to understand him, but was courteous and efficient.
Then on our way.
Elska has not been feeling well and we are hoping tomorrow will be a better day for her.

Recommended that we visit Leavenworth, WA.
A small Bavarian architecture town in central Washington Cascades.
Got there about 4pm and the town was packed. OK, it is Friday night.
If it is not Octoberfest then just a regular late season weekend.
Too crowded for us so we went further into the mountains about 15-20 miles.
Lake Wenatchee State Park and are at a really nice campground in the tall pines.
Not crowded, but do have neighbors.
Nice part s the sites are really spread out and feels roomy.

Opened a bottle of the Silver Sage Merlot. WOW, is all I can say.
So tomorrow we will try Leavenworth again, with out the big white box.
Easier to get around an find a place to park.
A few photos are required from there.

Here is a shot along the Columbia River on our way to Wenatchee.

Here is our campsite from our door. Yellow is porch light and white is the moon.

Have a great night and make the most of your day tomorrow.
Hugs to all who need them.
Tom & Millie

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