Sunday, September 17, 2023

 Good morning from Billings.

First leg of our trip got us to Buffalo Gap Forest Service Campground just west of Medora, ND.

Great before sunrise photo out our window. I did not want to go out as it got down to 36 on the thermometer overnight. Off to a leisurely start and on the road before 10 AM.

Cabellas in Billings and a hot day at 90. A 54 degree change and we hardly noticed with the AC in the truck all day. Shopped at Cabellas then out for one of the few times we get "fast food". Even though it was quite warm still around sunset, the humidity was only 19% and with a little breeze was very comfortable. 

Our morning version of "Fox and Friends".

Now the journey continues on, and we don't expect to have internet service, or at least regular internet, for the next week. I will still write the blog, just may not be able to post.

Stay safe, be kind and enjoy life.
Tom, Millie and Lefty

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...