Thursday, September 28, 2023

 Hi all

Had a wonderful time on the ranch. So peaceful with the Elk bugling in the distance at night and the cows lowing in the field. The scenery there is, well, Montana. Rolling hills, evergreen trees and mountains in the distance. Great company and hosts.

Now we are in Buffalo, WY at a county park with a view of the Big Horn Mountains. Nice weather and a trip into Buffalo for some thrift stores and a burger for lunch. Stopped and visited the Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum. Very nice and worth the stop if you are ever in Buffalo.

 Had a great burger and fries at the Cowboy Bar and Grill. It is a sports bar with all TVs tuned to the Rodeo Channel. 

Back to camp for a nap, supper and little TV. We will see what tomorrow brings.

Make your day great.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Good morning all

Catching you up day! Sort of had service so I just waited to post. I know, I will try not to be so lazy. 

Travel day was not very exciting, felt long and we got there. Roat Ranch in the middle of Montana. Millie and I find it so relaxing here, especially with such great hosts. We have some neighbors that insist on walking through our campsite. They are talkative and seem to quiet down in the evening.

First day we just visited with our hosts, Jan, Dan and Shannon, Mom, Son and Granddaughter. So much fun listening to the stories of long time Montana residents. Earth quakes, floods, tornados, they had Armageddon pretty well covered here in this piece of Paradise. Stories of people and childhood memories. Not always and easy life, just one full of love and caring.

Yesterday was a bust, 120 miles for thrift stores and special popcorn. Stores closed and popcorn not to be had. Beautiful drive and we did find lots of specialty items at the Amish grocery store, so wasn't all a loss.

Sunsets here can also be spectacular as well as the sunrises. 

Travel today, heading for Wyoming and some time accessing the Big Horn Mountains. Looks like a good weather travel day, so hope all goes well.

Be safe and make your day great.

Tom, Millie and Lefty


Hello my Blogosphere friends.

Yesterday Jaime, Barb, Mille and I met at the Ennis CafĂ© for Lunch. The Ennis HS Homecoming parade gave us lots of entertainment while we ate. After, we walked through downtown to Willie’s Distillery, for a few tastes of the local fare. From there we all went to Norris Hot Springs for a long hot soak, very delightful even with the rain. From there we came back to camp for more conversation and Millie’s delicious Spaghetti and Meat balls. Evening came upon us all too fast and Jaime and Barb headed back to their Motel, then home on Saturday. Millie and I played some cards and headed for bed.

Tomorrow we prep for travel on Sunday, along with a stop for laundry, fuel, propane and a few groceries. Then, on to Roat Ranch for a few days.

Keep your chin up and make your day great.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Friday, September 22, 2023



Good morning Blog Watchers

Wow, what a busy day! Rainy, dreary and chilly, high was about 50⁰, breezy and almost no solar gain. The busy part was with family. Morning was card games and visiting with Rob and Chris, then around early afternoon, Jaime and Barb arrived for lots more conversation and catching up. (Jaime is my brother)

Later afternoon Rob and Chris had to get on the road home, and with sad goodbyes they left in the rain. We made a plan with Jaime and Barb for the following day and hoping for less rain. We will have fun in Ennis, where they are staying, no matter the weather. May even get brave and go soak in the nearby hot springs.

Millie and I watched a new series, downloaded from Netflix, and still undecided if we will watch more. Oh well, we had to try something. Played some cards and headed off to bed.

We had a great day, now let’s all make today great.

Tom, Millie and Lazy Lefty



Good morning All

Fun day yesterday with a trip to Ennis, MT. Kind of a lazy morning and we made it there with time for shopping one side of the street, then lunch. Chilly day, with nice sunshine, just cool with high about 70. Beer and a burger for lunch, why not, and then on to shopping the other side of the street.

I got to get back to Willie’s Distillery for a few samples and purchases to enjoy in the future. Millie picked up a few things at a Thrift Store related to Quilting. Nice day with great people.

Back at camp we had Beef Stroganoff, provided by Chris, for another wonderful meal together. I guess we are going to have to start cooking for ourselves and do some hiking after all the good food. Entertainment after was a card game called Skyjo. Another game we need to find to travel with and play at the cabin during the summer.

Our day was great so make your day great as well.

Tom, Millie and Lefty



Good morning

Yesterday a quick run to Bozeman for some repair parts and a nice day sticking to camp. Travel days do catch up to us all. Nice day with the Big Montana skies above us and great company.

Morning graced us with one of Mother Nature’s wonders.

Always great to start the day like this. We did stick around camp to relax and enjoy the weather. So, not much to share. Played Sequence for some evening entertainment and again early off to bed.

More to come and we will see what tomorrow brings.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Tuesday, September 19, 2023



Good morning

Yesterday, the 4 of us journeyed to Bozeman for a few minor supplies and a brew pub. We were pretty quiet and found out how attached we are to the digital world. Any way, we had a beer, some lunch and Millie convinced us all to go Thrift Store shopping. I even think everybody found something to buy.

Weather, other than the typical Montana wind, has been great. Temps in low to mid 80’s and the humidity is low. Lots of sunshine and even a rain shower, which barely got anything wet.

Chris’s award (according to me) winning chili and cornbread for supper. Then a round of Cribbage before calling it a night.

Not sure what today will bring,  but we will have a good time and enjoy the company in Big Sky Country.

Make your day great and help someone else’s be better, too!

Tom, Millie and Lefty


We are back.

9/18      After some time off the grid, no cell, no wifi, and no TV, finally able to upload. As promised I have been updating right along.

Morning view out our back window.

Red Mountain Campground about 10 miles East of Norris, MT. This is our 3rd time here and the morning views never fail. Stars last night were as plentiful as the flies during the day. Oh well, we do have to coexist at times outside, however in the RV they die.

My Cousin Rob and his wife Chris joined us for a few days of food and fun. Salmon Burgers last night on the grill and some visiting under the stars. Last night temps were delightful after a hot day. A bit breezy this morning and only going to be about 80⁰. Trip into town today to pick up a few minor supplies and see if any breweries are open on a Monday.

See ya ‘round the bend.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

Sunday, September 17, 2023

 Good morning from Billings.

First leg of our trip got us to Buffalo Gap Forest Service Campground just west of Medora, ND.

Great before sunrise photo out our window. I did not want to go out as it got down to 36 on the thermometer overnight. Off to a leisurely start and on the road before 10 AM.

Cabellas in Billings and a hot day at 90. A 54 degree change and we hardly noticed with the AC in the truck all day. Shopped at Cabellas then out for one of the few times we get "fast food". Even though it was quite warm still around sunset, the humidity was only 19% and with a little breeze was very comfortable. 

Our morning version of "Fox and Friends".

Now the journey continues on, and we don't expect to have internet service, or at least regular internet, for the next week. I will still write the blog, just may not be able to post.

Stay safe, be kind and enjoy life.
Tom, Millie and Lefty

Monday, September 11, 2023

 HI all

Thinking I'm going to start a bit early and let you know we will be traveling soon,

but first,

Final close of the cabin and Mother Nature gave me a great "Good By".

Been working the last few days to get the yard and garden put to bed for the winter.

Seems so early with all the great weather coming , making it hard to leave for another great Fall adventure. With the yard mostly done, I started getting the Big White Box ready to travel. Mostly packing and deciding what we need to take with us and what, we haven't used, to leave home.

Decisions, decisions, likely will forget something and will end up with two when we get back.

Make your day great and don't think about Winter yet.

Tom, Millie and Lefty

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...