Thursday, September 26, 2019

Made it to Wyoming

Hi all
We had a wonderful relaxed, almost lazy morning.
Had Brunch about 10 AM
Then realized check out time was 11!
So we hurried up and packed it up, including the "dirty" dishes to wash later.
Very pretty drive from Belle Fourche to Devils Tower.

Sunshine, upper 70's, but still a bit too much wind.
Got a great site at the Belle Fourche River Campground at the base of Devils Tower.

Got to love National Parks, with the Senior Pass we get in FREE,
a $25 savings at this park and the camping fee is half price, another $10 savings.
Of course, there are no hookups so we are dry camping, just like Walmart
but oh, so much better, prettier, quieter and great neighbors.

This was an unplanned side trip and we are only staying the one night.
Did this to avoid travelling many hours with high winds.
Tomorrow we get going much earlier as we are planning about 220 miles.
Plus being a Friday we need to get to the State Park early afternoon,
hopefully get a campsite for the night.

Looking forward to another great day of travel through some beautiful country.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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