Monday, September 30, 2019

Just Chill'n!

Hi all
We had several great days here in Johnstown, CO.
Mark's family was here for a couple of days, lots of laughs
and great conversations.

We have been getting trailer duties done, too.
Washed the rig, windows cleaned, vacuum and laundry.
Washed the truck, too, and now as usual it is supposed to rain.

One more day here then Shawn, Mark, Millie and me are heading south.
Royal Gorge for three nights at the KOA.
Supposed to be decent weather so we are hoping to
take the train through the gorge,
visit the Colorado Prison Museum and
do some wine tasting at Holy Cross Abby.
Been to the Abby before and the wines are great.

Planning to get the camera busy, finally.

Make your day great and watch for more to come.
Tom and Millie

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hi all

Moved to southern Wyoming, weather is changing.
We found a PassPort America RV Park, more like a man camp for travelers..

Pretty well packed in, since all we needed was full hookups for one night, it works for us.
Also we have been good and decided to go out for supper.
Could walk to the Brass Buffalo Saloon.
Good food, Millie had Chicken Tenders and I had ribs.

I know, not very creative.
We got there in time for the live music.
Couple of guys on guitar and Mandolin. They were fun and played some good music.
Including this one, "My Wyoming Home".

Home for showers and watch a little TV since we are getting signals.
Getting late and we have some things to do tomorrow
and get to Johnstown for the doings at Shawn and Marks.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Made it to Wyoming

Hi all
We had a wonderful relaxed, almost lazy morning.
Had Brunch about 10 AM
Then realized check out time was 11!
So we hurried up and packed it up, including the "dirty" dishes to wash later.
Very pretty drive from Belle Fourche to Devils Tower.

Sunshine, upper 70's, but still a bit too much wind.
Got a great site at the Belle Fourche River Campground at the base of Devils Tower.

Got to love National Parks, with the Senior Pass we get in FREE,
a $25 savings at this park and the camping fee is half price, another $10 savings.
Of course, there are no hookups so we are dry camping, just like Walmart
but oh, so much better, prettier, quieter and great neighbors.

This was an unplanned side trip and we are only staying the one night.
Did this to avoid travelling many hours with high winds.
Tomorrow we get going much earlier as we are planning about 220 miles.
Plus being a Friday we need to get to the State Park early afternoon,
hopefully get a campsite for the night.

Looking forward to another great day of travel through some beautiful country.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Rocky Point Recreational Area

Yesterday was very relaxing.

Went for walks, took naps, repaired a dish drainer,
played Cribbage and watched the first 2 episodes of Northern Exposure.
Remember that show?
Hard to believe almost 30 years ago.
Found this little guy, our only wildlife at Lake Tschida.

Today we headed for Reva Gap, a small National Forest Campground,
located just west of Reva, SD.
There are about 9 campsites there and we did a tour of the campground.
A very pretty area and I completely forgot to take any photos, my bad.
Found a nice place and had late lunch, then decided to continue on to Rocky Point.

Located on the Belle Fourche Wildlife Management Reservoir in South Dakota.
Found a nice site with the LSF blocking the wind.
Then of course the wind went down and it is still a nice site.
Pretty campground and decently spaced sites.
A bit expensive and the first state facility that you had to pay the entrance fee
and the camping fee, that we have stayed at.
All the others include the entrance fee in the camping fee.
So for us (out of state) one night with electricity only, is $30.
So we will sleep well and head out tomorrow for Devils Tower NP.
Was not in the plan, but going south from here will put us in the middle of a high wind warning.
Makes the side trip to the Nat. Park worth the time.
Just one night and since it is only 60-70 miles we can leave late and get there early.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Willie Nelson. One of my favorite traveling songs.
Along with "Take it Easy", "Peaceful Easy Feeling", Eagles and "Going up the Country", Country Joe and the Fish.
If you know these songs, you may old as I am!

First leg out and we are at Lake Tschida (shy-da) south of Glen Ullin, ND.
Lots of camping options here with some beautiful lake and prairie views.
We picked the campground with more trees and only a few neighbors.

Good first day on the road, no issues, just a pleasant days drive.
A bit of a head wind so we only got about 9 MPG.
Just have to remember we bring our house with us.

We are likely to spend a 2nd night here as there is a high wind warning the direction we are going.
Winds possibly gusting to 40-50  MPH and being mostly crosswinds, does not excite me.
Good thing we are flexible. Easier to stay safe than end up in a ditch.
Besides we have a great place to chill for another day.

Boyz are happy to be out again with new smells to investigate.
They also get more walks and more attention in our LSF (Little Silver Fox).

Relax today and get a nap or two.
Also good as a "shake down" day to make sure everything works as intended.
Maybe even doing a little cleaning to get the "cob webs" out!

Make your day great and enjoy the great Fall weather.
Tom and Millie

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Coming very soon.

Big Adventure V, 

things to do and see in Colorado, Utah 

and surrounding areas.

The adventure begins Monday September 23.

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...