Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

Hi all
2018 is over  and we get a chance to do it again. Try new things and attempt to right the wrongs we have done or make better where others have done wrong. It IS up to us, each in our own way.

We had a great year with many miles of travel, new sights, new friends, old friends and as always, some of our relatives. We have been on all three coasts, into Canada and lots of places in between, this past year.

There have been highs, lows and mostly great days. Time spent with our children and helping them improve their homes and sometimes even their lives. They are our biggest success.

We lost a treasured member of our household when our Elska crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

This coming years travel's are not yet planned as we have a new adventure coming our  way this spring with the arrival of our first grandchild.

No matter what life throws at us all we can do is make the best of if with our abilities and assets.

We are spending the first week of the year at a condo in central Minnesota, Nisswa to be exact, just north of Brainerd where the movie Fargo was filmed. The day before we arrived they had about 8-10 inches of snow and the day after another 4-5 inches. Making for some very striking scenery. It has been cold so far with near -15 this morning. Millie and her sisters are making a baby quilt for our expected arrival. So it has been quilting, quilting, quilting. I have been having fun with photography and trying not to go outside to do it. Well, at least not when the temps are so low.

Snow was hanging on the branches and twigs.

Making lots of shapes.

Even found the elusive Minnesota Snow Elf just before he escaped in a puff of snow.

This shape looks just like a grill.

And the wonderful overstuffed chair.

But, quilting and snow photos are not all that went on.

Gull Dam Brewing, which is now closed and for sale, so if you are thinking of moving on a new career path............

We are enjoying our week. Nice to get away from "reality" and just work on one thing. Taking care of ourselves, oh yeah, getting a baby quilt done too.

Make your new year great.
Tom and Millie

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