Wednesday, December 12, 2018

On our way home.

Hi all
Well, we had a great time with Chelsey out to see Hoover Dam.
Was a nice day with little wind, partly sunny skies and upper 60's.

Spent most of the day there and had ice cream.
We were able to get a Power House Tour,
so we stood in line and rode the elevator to the lowest levels of the dam.
Lots of Art Decco throughout the dam.

Back to the LSF and then to the Casino.
Supper at the Buffet and a little gambling.
Millie and I have come out ahead, adding up all the gambling since we left,
and have come out with more money than we put in.
Not much, just makes for lots of free entertainment.
Next morning (Tuesday) we were all up at 4 AM.
Shortly before 5 AM Chelsey got an Uber to the Airport.
She was off on her journey home.
We packed up the trailer and got on the road by 6:30 AM.
Really early for us and a bit too early for "rush hour".
Pulled into my Cousin's home just before 5 PM.
400+ miles to just north of Salt Lake City.

Here we are parked at Rob and Chris's the following morning.

This is why we left and why we are staying here today to let the roads dry.
Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

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 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...