Friday, September 21, 2018

Weather change

Hi all
Our first full day and it rained all day.
So we pretty much stayed in and rested, sewed, played on the computer and read.
Millie made us a great meatloaf for us to dine well.

Today changed and it cleared up over the morning hours.

Put the solar collector out and watched the free
(only if you don't count the cost of the collector) electricity pour into the batteries.

Millie got to spend time sewing and did some walks with the fur balls.
Later afternoon we drove through the park to enjoy the fall colors.

Ending the drive with some time with the feral horses,

Of course we got to see Bison, Prairie Dogs and wild Turkeys.
Got back in time to have supper and a cocktail.
After clean up we attended the Ranger Talk here in the campground.
Learned about the Bison, no not the football team.
Leaving us some time to read before going to bed.

One more day here then moving west and hope to find full hookups for a couple of nights.
Do some laundry, empty tanks, add fresh water then decide where to go next.
Oh, it's so hard making all these decisions.

Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great photos. Interested in this area as the last time we were there was almost 30 years ago.

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...