Thursday, May 24, 2018

Summer unofficial beginning

Hi all
Coming up on the Memorial Day weekend.
The unofficial start of Summer.
Now working on selling the original BWB
Me and everyone else.
Can't believe how many trailers are for sale.
Oh well, what can you do, just hope the right buyer comes along soon.
Have not heard about the new trailer yet so there is still time.

Been enjoying time at the lake and Mother Nature has been busy.
Her use of colors is pretty amazing.
Every sunset she is busy.

The annual constant lawn mowing has begun.
Nearly needed to bale it at the lake.

Also needed to get some work done on the truck,
that was sticker shock.
Diesels are definitely higher maintenance.
Of course it would help if the check engine light would stop coming on.
Oh well, they redid the computer and I made it about a 100 miles before it came on again.
Back to them next week since they had to order shocks for it.
May have to rent the boyz out as guard dogs for the summer.

Make your day great and stay cool this summer.
Tom and Millie

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