Thursday, May 24, 2018

Summer unofficial beginning

Hi all
Coming up on the Memorial Day weekend.
The unofficial start of Summer.
Now working on selling the original BWB
Me and everyone else.
Can't believe how many trailers are for sale.
Oh well, what can you do, just hope the right buyer comes along soon.
Have not heard about the new trailer yet so there is still time.

Been enjoying time at the lake and Mother Nature has been busy.
Her use of colors is pretty amazing.
Every sunset she is busy.

The annual constant lawn mowing has begun.
Nearly needed to bale it at the lake.

Also needed to get some work done on the truck,
that was sticker shock.
Diesels are definitely higher maintenance.
Of course it would help if the check engine light would stop coming on.
Oh well, they redid the computer and I made it about a 100 miles before it came on again.
Back to them next week since they had to order shocks for it.
May have to rent the boyz out as guard dogs for the summer.

Make your day great and stay cool this summer.
Tom and Millie

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Hi all
Well the Big Adventure III has come to a conclusion.
Made it home Friday afternoon after a good day of travel.
However, before we conclude
Here is what we did on our way here.

Wednesday we decided to push on and went from Glendo State Park all the way to Medora,
Long day for us and it was a good day.
Fair weather and good roads.
I did post a couple of images on Facebook,
so those that follow us there, already know we got there and setup in the National Park.
Great site, no hookups and good sunshine for the solar collector.
Thursday we went out to enjoy the park.

Drove out the north end and found a herd of young Bison.
They were also out enjoying the beautiful day.
Saw wild turkeys, antelope, bison and wild horses and a variety of birds.
Came back into the park and took the hike at Wind Canyon.

Lost my keys photographing the flowers and had to make the hike a second time.

Found them right where I had laid to capture the image.
At the top, for those have been there.
Good hike and did it twice.

After the park we had lunch and a short nap
Then out to friends place south of Medora.
Of course they did not know we were coming so they weren't home.
Went into town for a beer and to catch up on social media.

Not much reception at the campground.
Made some phone calls and by the time we finished our beverages
it was time for supper.
Had a great meal at the Little Missouri Saloon, good food, good beer and good company.
Then back to the BWB and a campfire.
Early to bed and early to rise to prep and get on the road.
The next morning we had campground guests.
Millie thinks they were there to encourage us to hurry and get on the road.

Now we are home and starting the process of unpacking.
It has been a great 90 days and we both have thoroughly enjoyed this trip.
It is also lots of fun sharing our travels with you.
I would love to find out where you all are.
If you are willing, please post where you live.
Just the State or Country would work well and not let out too much info about you.
Seems we have developed quite a following and we sure do appreciate it.

I will try to post a couple of time each month during the summer
We are planning a Big Adventure IV, so hope you can come along then too.

Make your day and your summer great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Hi all
Yesterday was a travel day.
Was so hard to leave Shawn and Mark.
Being a good guest is knowing when to leave.
We had fun, good food and great conversation
and we also got to relax.

Thanks Shawn and Mark, hope to see you at the lake this summer.

The trip was in and out with rain, clouds and some road construction.
However it was wonderfully non eventful.

Only went 160 miles to Glendo State Park, WY.

Looking at Google I did not expect such a great place to camp for a night.
This one is worth coming back to and spend more time.

Wyoming has a campaign to promote their state.
They provide the flag and we provide the photos on social media to
"Show us Where You" #FlyYourWY

Here is our campsite at Glendo St Park.

And the view from our BWB.

Today we decided to make a long day and travel all the way to Medora, ND
Hope to do a couple of nights in Theodore Roosevelt Nat. Park.
Mostly to relax and look back on our travels this year.
The places we've been, the friends and relatives we spent time with
and the new friends we've made.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...