Saturday, February 24, 2018

Travel to NC

Hi all
Saturday morning in Moncure, NC.
Was a good trip over from Nashville.
Our original plan was to spend Wednesday night at a Walmart in Newport, TN and pick up a few supplies.
As I always go in to the Service Desk and verify overnight stay welcome................
Found out they did not allow overnights.
Well, that put a bit of a crimp on our plans as it was getting dark soon so we had to find accommodations elsewhere.
Called 2 places that were not yet open and fortunately the second one suggested a place I had not seen, Fox Fire RV Park and White Water Rafting.
It was along the Pigeon River in the Smoky Mts.
Well, Reese, answered and was very helpful, indicating they were not yet open and only the electrical was running, no water or sewer. Well that was fine with us as did not have any connections where we intended to stay.
We got there after dark and missed the entry to the park and learned we could turn around almost anywhere, even in the dark. When we got back to the missed entry and got to the check in office, a very helpful young lady signed us in. She recommended, since we did not need electricity, that we pull in down by the river, in the tenting area. Told us to just stop on the road as no one else would be coming in, so we could enjoy the river and the peace and quiet. Well, the trail was pretty tight and had I seen it during daylight I likely would not have tried. It was just as she said, dark except for the moon and stars, with just a little water (white) noise.
We sat out and enjoyed until we got hungry and tired.
Light supper and off to bed.
Next morning presented just perfect and we delayed leaving early to enjoy some time by the river.

Thursday evening we found Zooland RV Resort just south of Asheboro, NC.

Great place that is in the pines and not at all busy, yet. Still outside of their busy season. Great staff and late checkout. So we got to relax as we got ready to move on.

Friday we got to Dickens RV Park (mancamp). We were able to get a spot that has been rented out for the month and the tenant would not be arriving until after we will be gone. Works for us.
Surprising that Friday night was very quiet, I suspect many are working shifts so noisy neighbors are discouraged.

Today we are going to spend the day with our Nephew and his family. We sure are looking forward to some time with them.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Nashville Tour

Hi all
Monday was a get up and go day.
Breakfast, walk the dogs and meet up with Tony.
Tony Cochran, owner of Lawman Enterprises, was our personal tour guide. We had a great day seeing the sights and listening to stories from a man that has been there and done that. Tony is retired area law enforcement and spent many years providing security at the Grand ol' Opry and the Stars.
Not only did he show us the many sights of Nashville, he had stories of stars and and Nashville scene.
Many personal stories of contacts with so many recording artists I, for one, lost track of who and where. We may not have been the best audience Tony has ever had, we just flat out enjoyed our laid back time with Tony.
Should you find yourself in Nashville and want a great introduction to Nashville and places to go for further exploration, Tony is the man and we thoroughly enjoyed our "2 hour tour" which in our case took 4 hours. So much to see and do.

We got to see where some of the stars reside, such as the gate to Garth Brooks' home.

Lefty Frizzell's resting place, along with others such as "Stringbean".

Then we headed downtown.

So many sights and not always good for a photo, so just some highlights.
Hall of Fame

Music Row

Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville

The Hermitage

The Hermitage men's bathroom, Top Men's Bathroom in the US.

The Parthenon

Musica Statue

Tootsie's Orchid Lounge Alley entrance.

A service we did not need.

Entrance area to Dollar General World Headquarters. Frolicking bears.

Millie posing at the Bluebird Cafe, artists such as Garth Brooks, Taylor Swift and Keith Urban, Kathy Mattea, Trisha Yearwood, Kim Richey, Dierks Bentley, Faith Hill and Vince Gill, all of whom have had career moments over the past 31 years at the tiny, legendary club.

Then off to see other homes and places. Again Tony made our day and we sure enjoyed his company.
Our last adventure was Conway Twitty's home.

Then home to the BWB for a well deserved nap, trip to purchase food for the fur kids, home to a glass of wine and supper.
Our day was great.

Make your day great, too!
Tom and Millie

Monday, February 19, 2018

The next stop.

Hi all
Today we find ourselves in Nashville, TN.

Nice sunny, trouble free drive from Memphis.
We did find that it seems to be the interstate that is so bad.
Once off and on to secondary roads we saw (and felt) a big improvement.
We are in the "Grand Ol' RV Resort" not really a resort, just a typical big city RV Park.
It appears to be at least half monthly residents and most of them working.
Still surprisingly quiet, except for traffic and train noise, neither of which bother us.
And the weather is warm, windy and expecting rain,
so no desire to spend much time sitting around the campfire.
Every evening we have live music at the store.
Locals and the music is fun.

Today we got in on a private tour of Nashville.
Not sure what to expect. The tour guide (owner) is a longtime Nashville resident.
He is also retired law enforcement and provided security for several venues locally.
Supposed to be real interesting tour with lots of personal stories.
We are planning on it being a great time.

Maybe some photos tomorrow as traveling in Tennessee does not allow for many scenic views.
At least not on the interstate. Must be time to get off the big road.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Hi all
We've been staying kind of put.
Got here on Wednesday, groceries (small fridge, shop often) on Thursday and Friday to Graceland.

Graceland is a whole day to see it all, and we did.
The mansion was great and the grounds sure made it feel comfortable.

And the "Jungle Room"

Can see why Elvis loved it so much.
The grounds had it all, a pool, horses and room to roam.
Elvis and his folks are buried on site.

After the mansion it was over to the museum and room after room of Elvis memorabilia.
Take your pick, cars

fashion and motorcycles

and many rooms of music, motion pictures and more.
and a whole room of Elvis in the Army.
And of course his famous Pink Cadillac

Then outside to see his airplanes.

Wow, were we ever tired when we got home.
It was worth the time invested and got to know so much, not only about Elvis the star, but Elvis the boy and his family who was with him throughout his life. It was sure portrayed that he was family oriented and provided for them. I was surprised that it was actually his parents, along with Elvis, that bought Graceland.

Great day and good night watching some Olympics.
Slept great.
Today we are getting laundry done and other household projects done.
Packing up to leave for Nashville tomorrow and I am beginning to feel better, dang colds.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Last 2 days in Hot Springs

Hi All
Staying so busy hardly have time to post.
Yesterday was beautiful and we got out and enjoyed.
We get late starts by enjoying a leisurely morning.
Stopped back on Bathhouse Row and got in a walk and a little time to shop and mail letters.

Was a little cold overnight and there was some ice on the fountain.

Headed back out to the Garvan Woodlands Garden to see the Anthony Chapel with sunshine.

Walked around the grounds and found out as we got back into the truck,
we could get a personal tour of the Arkansas Vocational Training Institute.
It is in the old Army Navy Hospital. (The building in the background on the hill)

Was a fun tour and took up the rest of the daylight.

So we walked the dogs then went into town for supper. (We need to grocery shop)
Got home in time to watch the "Womens Half Pipe. That was exciting and then off to bed.

This morning, another lazy morning, it is so great to be retired.
Millie went for a hike with the boyz up to Goat Rock Overlook.
Elska and I did some trailer prep to leave tomorrow.
Then we headed to the Gangster Museum.
That was fun and interesting. It was only about the gangsters and their "business" in Hot Springs.

That, of course, included the corrupt politicians and law enforcement.
A quote from a local Madam
"I would rather give my money to a hit man than a politician.
You know what the hit man is going to do"
And there was Ruby.

From there we went to Bathhouse Brewery for a flight of beer and light lunch.

Very nice beer and good food with a nice view of Center Street.
And the beer is all made with the Thermal Spring Water, same stuff we have been drinking since we got here. Also makes good coffee.

Made the, almost, required to Walmart. Love or hate the place, it is great when traveling for consistency. Enjoy the area by supporting local restaurants and eat at home with what we know.
Got home, in the rain, and started getting packed up to head to Memphis.
Gave up made supper and I got busy with this.
Will be a busy morning getting ready to move.
Time for bed and good sleep.

Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

Sunday, February 11, 2018

2 days in one!

Hi all
Yesterday was a big day and today was trailer duties and recuperate day.
Still not 100% back after nasty colds, close, but not there yet.

Saturday morning we did our Valentine gift early (we won't be here then).
Buckstaff Bathhouse to "Take the Waters".
Started out with a 100+ degree mineral water bath with whirlpool and sipping mineral water.
20 minutes later on to a Sitz Bath for 10 minutes, in hot mineral water, of course.
Then relaxing on a table with hot towel packs "where it hurts" until they cooled.
Then a steam box, or "taking the vapors" from the hot mineral water, for only 2-3 minutes.
And remember that "torture" device photo from my last post, well it was wonderful.
A needle shower from all directions, we should all have one.
And the finale was a Swedish massage. Then a 10 minute hand wax.
2 hours later we were ready for the day.
Would be wonderful to do that to start every day. Need to win lottery first.

After all that and a bit of a walk around on Bathhouse Row, we went back to the BWB.
Light lunch and a nap.
In the afternoon we drove up to Garvan Woodlands Garden to see the Anthony Chapel.

Great idea, but not on Saturday, it was booked for a wedding and apparently then didn't think we were on the guest list. Could still see the exterior and surrounding woodland area.

We may go back if time allows.

By now we were hungry again so headed for the Ohio Club.
Claim is Al Capone had this as one of his favorite hangouts, Millie liked it too.

Great food and drink. Although I suspect different than Big Al had.

After dinner, Millie had to stop and thank Big Al.

Walked Bathhouse Row

and found one of the few open springs for a photo.

Stopped at Buckstaff for a photo of the lighted exterior.

Home and to bed.

Today started out with renewing for a few more days here, trailer duties, and breakfast.
After that it wasn't long til lunch, nap and relaxing on a cool misty day.
Nice walk with the fur kids, supper and a couple hours of the Olympics.

Tomorrow we will find something to do.
Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...