Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Virgin River Canyon

Hi all
Wow, this canyon drive in Zion
which is only accessible by shuttle,
is gorgeous!

Although I can't imagine what the crowds
would be like during the summer.
About a 2 mile walk on paved paths
with vistas that rival anything I've ever seen.

Plenty of people
and we were spaced out so did not feel crowded.
We packed a lunch and enjoyed that
at the "end" of the trail.
This is where you would take to the river
to continue up the canyon.

We did not, not prepared with shoes, clothing (water was cold)
and a little lack of desire.
Then at another stop walked up to
Weeping Wall.
Water just leaking out of the cliff about half way up.

Trail was steep, but short.
A good close for the day.

So much of it was like a park.
And the fall colors helped with that and no insects.
At one point we could see "climbers" (crazies) on the wall across the river.
Yes, there are 5 on this wall.

One more of Millie enjoying the walk.

Back to town and a little shopping.
Home to BWB and
well earned adult beverages
some light snacks
a great campfire with fur kid lap warmers.
They were alone in the BWB for 6-7 hours and
really missed Millie, they were happy to see me, too!

All in all a fabulous day.

Tired and slept well.
Today, back into the canyon
for some more hiking, can't do it all in one day.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

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