Friday, July 15, 2016

Middle of July

Hi one and all who are still following!
Summer is zipping by
or maybe we are so busy enjoying retirement........
and all the projects, time goes quickly.

Nearly done with the entertainment center/AC garage
at the lake cabin.
Next will be painting the house in town.
Hope that goes as quickly as summer is.
We just finished up with about 6" of rain over the past few days
now waiting for a few dry days before we can start the painting.

Weekdays at the lake are so nice and quiet
almost like the "off" season.
This morning while checking Facebook
had a wildlife treat.

They get really bold during the week.
Of course, rabbits and squirrels don't seem much affected by people,
the Mallard female was a bit unusual, at least in the group.

So off to size the doors for the entertainment center
and sand and recoat the top.
I will post photos when completed.

Make your weekend great
and enjoy whatever your weather is!

Tom and Millie

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