Friday, July 22, 2016

Hot Hot Hot!

Hi y'all
Most of you are enjoying the heat with us.
Mid 90's and 50-70% humidity.
Yep, work in the morning and stay in for the afternoon.
All this occurring while I'm in the middle of painting the house.
Got one side done in two mornings.
But gave up entirely as the morning has been only bearable
doing other stuff and not for long without cooling off.
Hope to get back to painting and do two sides by Tuesday.
Then only one left and we will need a break for a few days
plan on the lake and finish up the cabinet hardware.

Been working on getting Passport ready to travel.
Gonna visit down to southern MN
then Millie's family annual gathering.
When that is all done
Only a few weeks left till we head out again on new adventures.
Wow, where did the summer go?

Grilled tonight as Millie bought us a nice steak
asparagus, mushrooms and some potatoes.
Timing was perfect cooking as all got done at the same time.
Love my new grill!

Forgot to mention the cukes
almost looks healthy.

Make you weekend great
and enjoy the heat!
Tom and Millie

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Construction photos as promised

Hi everyone.
After a productive week and lots of great weather
including the T-storms and a trip home
to look at some houses with Chelsey,
yes, she is looking to make the big move.
Well, l have virtually completed the entertainment center
here at the cabin.
Only thing left is a couple of catches for the doors.

The big door on the right is for the portable AC unit.
We just got tired of looking at it and since it is only used on very hot days,
thought it should just disappear.
Switch for fireplace with an outlet for what ever, just seemed like a convenient place.
Door on left end is for access to the UPS unit so we don't have to reprogram
every time we loose power, and for some minor storage.
Door on the wall is to hide the electric service subpanel,
been planning that one for years and finally got it done.
Bottom below the fireplace heat duct is a future drawer for DVD's and such.
The fun part was creating the duct from the heat output on top of the fireplace unit
and getting it to come out the bottom and including a duct booster fan to insure air flow.
It was a fun and frustrating (at times) project and seemed to turn out well.
Time will age the wood to match the walls and ceiling in about 10 to 20 years.

That's about it for today
now to head home and get the house painted.
Ain't retirement great!

Tom and Millie

Friday, July 15, 2016

Middle of July

Hi one and all who are still following!
Summer is zipping by
or maybe we are so busy enjoying retirement........
and all the projects, time goes quickly.

Nearly done with the entertainment center/AC garage
at the lake cabin.
Next will be painting the house in town.
Hope that goes as quickly as summer is.
We just finished up with about 6" of rain over the past few days
now waiting for a few dry days before we can start the painting.

Weekdays at the lake are so nice and quiet
almost like the "off" season.
This morning while checking Facebook
had a wildlife treat.

They get really bold during the week.
Of course, rabbits and squirrels don't seem much affected by people,
the Mallard female was a bit unusual, at least in the group.

So off to size the doors for the entertainment center
and sand and recoat the top.
I will post photos when completed.

Make your weekend great
and enjoy whatever your weather is!

Tom and Millie

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy July 4th!

Hello one and all
Great to have another beautiful holiday weekend.
Always a joy to celebrate our nations Independence day
and so great to have the freedoms we have.
Freedom is not "free" and we must remain ever vigilant.

Had family down this weekend
Swam, played on the pontoon
Ate great food
And viewed a really good family fireworks celebration.

Opened "The Flame" aperitif wine from Silver Sage Winery
in Oliver, BC.
Just as promised a nice fruity sweet start
and a Cayenne pepper finish.
Really "warmed" you up.
If you are ever in the Okanogan  Valley
(northern Washington and southern British Columbia)
Stop by the winery and sample some world class wines.

Not much else to cover
so enjoy the remains of your July 4 day
and make someone smile!

Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...