Saturday, July 1, 2023

 Hi Y'all

I have to apologize for no post of our Fall 22 and  Spring 23 trips. I got lazy. Just no other excuse for it. At many get togethers this Summer I have been duly chastised for not doing a post. 

So look forward to Fall of 2023, if you are still willing to follow our travels. No idea where or when we will be going, yet. It will be an adventure like no other. (OK, they all are like no other.)

A quick photo from Spring 23. Somewhere in the Texas Panhandle, near Turkey, TX.

This Summer we have also been forced to do a major repair on the RV and will be adding some modifications. Therefore, I have to get out of my lazy streak. Also some renovations at the Sticks and Bricks and getting the whole exterior painted, except the bricks. Although that may not happen until we have all ready left for the next Big Adventure.

See you in September, unless I get chatty and post something sooner.

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...