Thursday, September 30, 2021


Day 7 (Sept 20)

Up early and getting ready to travel. Would be great to stay longer with great people, just have to remember “what happens with fish and company after 3 days”. Even though we know the welcome mat would remain out, we have places to see and do before winter starts to move us south. Stopped at the Little Montana Truck Stop and did the trailer duties and topped off the fuel tank. Then an uneventful trip to Red Mountain BLM Campground west of Bozeman, MT. Arrived to find we had our pick of campsites, so we oriented to take maximum advantage of the solar. The campground amenities include vault toilets, water, large campsites and beautiful scenery. Sunrises are wonderful displays and a great way to start the day. Sunsets, well it just goes behind the mountain about an hour before sunset making the displays less than spectacular. Bed time came early after a game of sequence. Oh yeah, no TV, internet or cell service here.

Day 8

Breakfast, coffee and relaxing while the day begins. Taking our time getting going, Millie sewing and me just fooling around, which I am really getting good at doing. Later morning we headed out to see the sights. First stop was Norris, MT and for any of you who might have been there, the stop is the sign at the intersection. Not much there that was open other than the gas station and no cell service. So on to Ennis, MT for some lunch, shopping and CELL SERVICE. Fish and Chips at a nice little Mom and Pop with a beer. Then a thrift store for Millie and I found a fly shop for a hat and a distillery for a bottle of whiskey. After eating and shopping, made a few phone calls and updated some on the internet. Started some research where to go next. Back to “home” and some long walks and enjoying beautiful weather. Temps are great but the wind was strong and gusty, making having a fire out of the question. Started watching “Northern Exposure” episodes on DVD after dark and still made an early night to bed.

Day 9

 Breakfast routine, coffee and staying put to enjoy Mother Nature. Temps are comfortable and it is windy again. Millie spent a good portion of the day on a quilt project she had purchased that someone else had started. It is coming together nicely and I think she enjoys those projects maybe more than creating her own. I visited with the camp host a couple of times and stayed a bit busy occasionally adjusting the “ground deployed” solar. So far the solar and battery (lithium iron phosphate ) that I assembled this past summer is performing as planned. Getting the Boyz out for walks and beginning to allow them off leash. There are so few people here that the campground host and most all others are not using leashes. 

I think it is good for the Boyz to see how other dogs meet and greet. They are doing better and even though the take off like rockets appearing to be attacking, they are not biting. It is fun to see how there initial meet sends the other dog running, soon the other dog thinks it would be fun to chase back. Wow, do the Boyz ever turn tail and head “home”. They do better off leash to settle down, they are learning a little. We enjoyed watching the “neighbors” coming and going and the different rigs that came in. Nice day, supper and some more DVD episodes and off to bed.

Day 10

Morning routine and getting everything ready for Bozeman, MT. Going to do laundry and dog wash. Not that the Boyz need it real bad, but it is available at the laundry so why not. Nice place, Duds and Suds, clean with lots of washers of many sizes. Very few not in service. Same place ran the dog wash, nice private rooms with everything included, shampoo, towels and even aprons to keep us dry. The Boyz did great and will smell nice for a few days. 

Dog wash was in the same building as the car wash, but did not wash the truck since we tend to find gravel and dirt roads to explore. Lunch at Bridger Brewery for pizza and a nice beer. Off to JoAnn’s for Millie to get a special sized quilting ruler. Kohls for a blanket for the couch while watching TV. (yep, did forget something) Two thrift stores where Millie scored some fabric, fuel the truck and some fresh fruit from a stand. “Home” and enjoying being out with upper 70’s and nearly calm. At “sun behind the mountain” we got out the gas firepit and enjoyed the evening until it got too chilly and dark to enjoy without blanket. Grilled cheese with chicken breast sandwich meat, cookie and some DVD episodes.

Day 11

Coffee while the day starts to warm up, was 39 at sunrise. Breakfast cereal, milk and fresh raspberries to start the day. Planning to stay in camp so will see what the day brings. Enjoyable day in camp, watching the sun traverse the sky, the weekend campers arriving and the Boyz relaxing. Millie spent much of her day quilting with some breaks to sit in the sun and make bread dough to bake tomorrow. Late afternoon we played Sequence and had adult beverages out at the picnic table. Some light fare for supper and a couple more episodes on a DVD after dark. All in all a beautiful relaxing first full day of Autumn.

Day 12 (Sept 25)

Coffee with a beautiful sunrise, 

breakfast and a little relaxing, packed towels and swimsuits for a soak at Norris Hot Springs. By the time we arrived and got the last parking spot, it was about 75 and the soak was pretty much full. Water temp must have been about 90-95. It was so nice to be in the fresh air with sunshine and getting warmed to the core. We next headed back to Ennis, MT for lunch, checking out a couple stores and picking up some groceries. 

It is amazing how fast the day can go. Back “home” and enjoying the breeze, sunshine and shade. Reading was my choice and Millie continued on a quilt. The campground filled to about 80% and was fun looking at all the rigs and people. Eventually had fire, adult beverages, supper, a couple of episodes on DVD and in bed by 10 PM.

Day 13

Early to bed, early to rise. 5:30 AM and only needed to run the furnace to warm up a bit. Did not even get down to set temp and we had the windows open most of the night. Finally pulled the comforter up about 4 AM. Start of another beautiful Autumn day. Going to be into the low 80’s and hope we get a breeze with the warm air. Without hookups we do not have AC or Microwave so if it gets warm, sandwiches and salads for meals. Decided to take a drive and explore the other side of the river. Miles of washboard gravel road and people took their RVs down them. Shook the stuffing's out of our 1 ton truck. Some of the pictures show just how pretty this valley is along the Madison River that is not in Yellowstone.    


Last full day here before we move on to Idaho. Actually booked an RV Park for one night so the trailer duties can be attended to before heading to the next “dry camping” spot. Also hoping for a good cell signal so the blog can be uploaded. We also had some fun along the way. Millie and the rock overlooking the river.

Night time photo of our rig.

Day 14

Travel day. Quite the ride from Red Mountain Campground to North Fork, Idaho. Windy sun to clouds and fires in many areas. A number of road construction areas and waiting in line to go. Other than that it was a good drive. Make it to the RV Park, yes we stayed in an RV Park, and got trailer duties taken care of, supper, watched some DVD episodes.

Day 15

Early to be and kind of early to rise, packed up and on the road. Windy drive to next stop in Craters of the Moon National Monument. Arrived early afternoon and were able to pick a great spot amongst the lava beds in Lava Flow Campground. Enjoyed the warmth of the trailer as the high was only50. Early night and a great sleep.

Day 16

Park drive loop. WOW is this ever a different scenic place. Stark might be a good word for some of the area. Surreal might describe even better. 

Cell service is occasional at best. Have to drive to get a reliable signal. Then mostly only good to send text. This park is one to put on a bucket list. Unique, out of the way and lots of friendly people stayed here so far. Met the neighbors, Rick and LuAnn from San Diego. Had a fun chat around the campfire until it got a bit chilly. Last night was 24 on our thermometer, but daytimes are going to be warmer.

Make your day great and be kind.

Tom and Millie

Monday, September 20, 2021


Hi all

Day 1

The journey has finally begun. We left West Fargo bright and early on September 14, OK, it was 9:30 AM. Headed to the Western edge of ND and got a campsite at a National Grasslands Camp Ground.


With our Senior National Parks pass only $10 a night. Gorgeous weather and beautiful scenery, just West of Medora. Set up and having an adult beverage by 5:30 PM. Had supper and played Sequence until bedtime.

Day 2

Today woke up to sunshine, light breeze and 57. Relaxed with coffee and a leisurely breakfast. Millie got to start Road Quilting and I read. After enjoying the morning, went for a walk then headed into Medora. Nice quiet little town after tourist season has ended. Weekends might be a bit more busy. Had a beer and some appetizers with our old neighbors, Lyle and Maddie, then out to our campsite for additional visiting. 

Just a perfect way to start our journeys and with such wonderful people.  Well, soon off to bed for another night under the Western stars. Yep, we can see them though the skylight.

Day 3

Partly cloudy day, cooler temps and a good breeze. 

Into Medora to hike the Pancratz Trail to the top of the butte overlooking Medora. Found the dogs were not allowed and I was OK staying with them in town and Millie hiking to the top. We watched her progress up the trail where she was visible and saw her on the top waving at us. 

The boyz watched her progress down and she was rewarded with love and licks upon her return to the truck. Then I took her out for lunch and a beer for a job well done. Back to camp for showers and readying the RV to travel on.

Day 4

Got a good start on the day and were on the road by 9:30 AM. Arrived at Roat Ranch about quitting time. Got set up in the yard and had a great visit with Dan, Jan and Jim (Pops). Bed time came early and sleep was delightful.

Day 5

Up refreshed in the morning, breakfast, coffee and in to visit with Jan and Jim. In the afternoon Millie and I went to Lewistown, MT to visit the Museum. We were disappointed, it was closed. So, we went to the quilt shop and shopped at the two thrift stores in town. Not much else to do so we headed back to the ranch. Made supper and then had a great evening visit with Jan and Jim. They are so fun and so willing to tell stories about their lives. I hope someday their family records or write it down. Great people just do what is needed to live a good life and raise such great kids with instilled work ethics and caring for other people. Something it seems too many people don’t do anymore. 

One more evening visit and then back to the RV and prep to leave in the morning heading a bit north of Yellowstone NP.

Day 6

Morning coffee and into Grass Range to have breakfast at the Little Montana Chuckwagon. 

Great little café that Jan and her daughter, Paula, own and Paula manages. Food was great, which, is my understanding the norm. Visited briefly with Paula and her positive attitude sure comes through, likely why the café is so successful. Service seemed slow and you just had to look around to see why. The place was packed, a small kitchen and were down one worker. That said the coffee was great and the food arrived hot and tasty. Back out to the ranch, watching wildlife along the road. 

Beautiful Pronghorn, Pheasants and deer. Another nice visit and got to meet their Granddaughter, Shannon. Camper cleaning and cooking supper. Made spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast and tossed salad for supper with Jan and Jim. Our last evening for fun reminiscing with Jan and Jim. 

It is so great to be able to just sit and talk with people who have experienced so much different from us and to realize how much we have in common. 

Happy to have our paths cross. I guess I should shout out to David Thomas and OLP for bringing so many of us together.

Well, you are all caught up. So many days in one post is because cell service where we have stayed is, well, non existent. Thanks to Jan and Jim for allowing use of their internet. Tomorrow we are back on the road again. Hoping to find space at a BLM campground for maybe a week. I strongly suspect still no cell service will be had their either.

Make your day great and be kind.

Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...