Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Spring has arrived!

Hi all
Not only spring,
Also our first grandchild, Josephine Rae Mowry.
Not that I am prejudice, but she is absolutely adorable.

This is why we did not take off traveling after the Holidays.
With how spring weather is around here, we might not have made it back in time.
Her Mom and Dad are doing well and now that she is 4 weeks old, today,
they might even be getting a little sleep.

Cabin open and looking forward to Memorial weekend with family.
Maybe a few friends hoping to just relax and enjoy the beginning of Lake Season!

Getting the garden planted, slowly and good thing as last night there was frost in the area.
We did not freeze in our yard, although it was not far away.

Trailer projects are nearly all done, for now, and we will be taking it into the dealer
next week for some minor warranty work and a general service.
Before the 1 year warranty is up. Don't know of any significant issues.
Just be happy the dealer will be looking for them and not me.

Had to catch you all up so you wouldn't think I had forgotten you all.
I know it has been real sparse since we last traveled,
so I will attempt to occasionally make a post as the summer goes on.
We do hope to travel some this fall so I will be more regular then.

For all who enjoy their summers, safe travels and good health.
Make your day great!
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...