Sunday, September 30, 2018


Hi all
Woke up to 29 degrees this morning.
We saw from the view that we are just below snow level.
This is the view from our RV.

Yesterday it was cloudy, misty, cool and at times windy.
It was longies time for me.
Drove into White Sulpher Springs to see what the town has to offer.
OK, we filled the truck, drove around and mailed letters.
Then found the local Co-Op and got the empty LP tank filled.
Home and took a nap while Millie sewed.
When I woke up we went back into town and found the brewery.
Two Basset Brewery had a fairly large selection of brews.
I did not anticipate such a large number of beers in such a small town brewery.
Their Vanilla Porter was excellent and worth the stop.
Millie's choice was a red lager, which she really enjoyed.
After that we went grocery shopping. Fairly good selection for the town size.
Then we gathered up the dirty clothes, sheets and towels to head for the laundry.
Started at the campground laundry and got the clothes washed,
then when got all into dryers, no heat.
Well, let them run for about 30 minutes and the clothes were much colder  but not drier.
Loaded them up and went into the town laundromat and put them in the big driers.
40 minutes later we were packed up and headed back the the LSF.
Saw today there is LP gas being delivered, explains the no heat.

Today we are going to stay warm, do a little packing and prep to leave tomorrow.
Just had to include a photo of the LSF in "our" campground.

Going to head south and plan to boondock  for a couple of nights before
meeting up with Rob and Chris in West Yellowstone.

We are hoping for some warmer weather, and it does appear it is warmer any where else.
Oh, well, that is why we got the LSF so we are comfortable in colder conditions.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Friday, September 28, 2018

Ranch life coming to an end

Hi all
Today we move on and leave this little bit of heaven.

I know we will find different little bits and a few will have wonderful hosts like the Roats.
Last night we made supper and treated Jan and Jim, bringing it to their table.
With the wet and the mud we felt the stairs to the RV would be best to avoid.
Heck, I don't even want to take them any more often than needed.
Lots of talk and great stories.

So fun to share with people that have had such different experiences.

The night before we had supper with Jan, Jim and Dan.
After the stories were present and Jim brought out his accordion.

Found out he used to perform regularly when they lived in Red Lodge, MT.
He may have been a bit rusty and we didn't care.
This is how you entertain yourself out on the ranch.
Fun music and watching Cowboy Dan dance with his Mom.

Went into Grass range for breakfast yesterday at the Chuckwagon.
Jan and her daughter own and operate this great little establishment.
The few times we have eaten here the food has been excellent.
Really is home cooking and they make so much of it themselves.
It is also the 2 largest employer in Grass Range, the school is bigger.

Now we are packing up and getting ready to haul the LSF up a muddy hill.
Time to find out how well 4 wheel drive and plenty of power works out.
Keeping my fingers crossed.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Roat Ranch in the middle of Montana

Hi all
We moved again.
From Miles City of Eastern Montana to the middle of Montana.
Nice stiff wind while we were on the road,
made fuel mileage pretty bad, just have to remember,
we are punching a pretty big hole as we go down the road.
Truck performs very well in these hills,
just put it on cruise control and once and a while it will shift down on a steep grade.
Never sounded like it was working hard.
Gotta love a big diesel.

The ranch is several miles off the highway
all on a fairly washboard gravel/dirt road.
Makes it a wonderful place to escape to and we still have cell service.

We have only been here once before on Big Adventure 1.
That was the first time we met Jim, Jan and Dan face to face.
Been friends with "Montana" Jan for years in an online photo group.
Then on Facebook after that site was unable to continue.
Folks, these are the kind of people we all need as friends
and mentors as to how to live life.
Be thankful for what we have, strive to do better and give a helping hand because you can.
Truly the "salt of the earth" and we feel blessed to call them friends.

Still enjoying the cool weather and the view.
Starting to hope for some Indian Summer soon.
Not really ready for snow to push us south.
We have places to go and people to see here in the northern tier of states.
Today we are going to enjoy the ranch.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Finished up in Medora and moved on

Hi all
Saturday we had a nice relaxing day.
A walk or two and a nap
Hoping it would help with my back.
Went out to supper with friends and former neighbors, Lyle and Maddie.
Good company with good beer and food.
Back home and start packing up to move on.

Today, due to my back, Millie started leaning more of how to hook up.
She has pretty much taken care of the interior for travel
and has a real good idea of what is necessary outside.
Just got to practice it today.
I really did not have to assist on much.
Probably a real good idea for us both to know what has to be done.

Easy trip to Miles City, MT.
Couple of nights here and replenish a few things and get a few things we forgot.
Not much this time, but groceries keep disappearing.
And speaking of disappearing, our front license plate has gone missing.
Was on the truck Friday and not there today when we got here.
Possible the screws came loose, but I put them in and I don't believe it possible.
OK, was possible or the plate would still be there.
Hope the rear plate is good enough till we get home.
I will call the Motor Vehicle License Dept. tomorrow and see what they say.
Mostly don't want someone using the plate and I end up getting pulled over.

Gonna sleep good tonight.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

PS, sorry no photos today.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Weather change

Hi all
Our first full day and it rained all day.
So we pretty much stayed in and rested, sewed, played on the computer and read.
Millie made us a great meatloaf for us to dine well.

Today changed and it cleared up over the morning hours.

Put the solar collector out and watched the free
(only if you don't count the cost of the collector) electricity pour into the batteries.

Millie got to spend time sewing and did some walks with the fur balls.
Later afternoon we drove through the park to enjoy the fall colors.

Ending the drive with some time with the feral horses,

Of course we got to see Bison, Prairie Dogs and wild Turkeys.
Got back in time to have supper and a cocktail.
After clean up we attended the Ranger Talk here in the campground.
Learned about the Bison, no not the football team.
Leaving us some time to read before going to bed.

One more day here then moving west and hope to find full hookups for a couple of nights.
Do some laundry, empty tanks, add fresh water then decide where to go next.
Oh, it's so hard making all these decisions.

Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Welcome to Tom and Millie's Big Adventure IV

Hi all
So happy to have finished all the prep work and get on the road.
Seemed like project after project, not to mention the "loads" to be packed.

Well, we made it and still haven't thought of what we forgot, but the journey is young.
The LSF (Little Silver Fox) towed well.
We had hoped to weigh at the station on I 94 west of town, but the scale was closed
and the HP was doing weighing with portable scales.
Oh well, we will just go on our merry way until we find an open scale.
Thought the LSF pulled heavy until discovered the 25+ mph cross wind.
Other than fuel mileage being a bit lower it towed great.

We journeyed to Theodore Roosevelt Nat. Park in the Bad Lands of ND.
Planning on spending 4 nights here to test out all systems for boon-docking.
That means no hookups.
After the first night battery's are still at 90% so
we are hopeful we can make it until the sunshine comes back for the solar to recharge.
If not, will have to start the generator.

We squeezed into a beautiful little site and hope there is not too much shade to use the solar.
May have to move it around some, the advantage of a portable unit.
No campfires allowed in the campground,
although charcoal cooking fire is allowed in the provided pedestal device.
There also does not appear to be any TV signal sooooooo
Will just have to enjoy the scenery, a good book and each other.
Could use the inverter to watch a movie or stream Netflix,
but we are wanting to find out just how long the rig will last just using batteries
and not working too hard on conservation.
If it stays cloudy too long and we have to use the generator,
then we will watch something for entertainment.

So from our little slice of heaven

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Monday, September 3, 2018

Nearly time

Hi all
Well, the modifications are coming to an end.
At least the ones I have thought of so far.
Starting to organize and pack the LSF (Little Silver Fox) and
figuring out what we have to get done before we leave.
Soon will be winterizing the cabin, storing the pontoon and having the dock brought in.
Definitely a change of season.

Big Adventure VI will be starting soon
so stay tuned....................

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...