Sunday, October 29, 2017

New Beginning

Hi all
Time has come for us to begin our
Big Adventure III
Of course, not off to a big bang, more like a little whimper.
Today we headed south and are at a Walmart in Sioux City, IA.
Sometimes Walmart has a great deal on Sunsets! 😊

Light rain and started out near freezing temps.
Stopped raining just before we got here.
And a bit warmer, not expected to go below freezing tonight.
Still plenty cold and a good workout for the furnace and it is working perfectly,
knock on wood.
Tomorrow we head to Ottawa, Kansas.
Never heard of it? Well, Millie has relatives there.

Now the whimper part, we are going to spend a few days there then winterize
and park on Millie's relatives property until we return after the first of the year.
This coming weekend we head back north to Brainerd, MN for a week at a condo.
Relatives coming and going to be a great time.
Then back to Fargo for winter. 😬😬😬

That's how it begins and I will post throughout the next couple weeks
and occasionally after until we leave next year.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

And the hits keep coming!

Hi all
By hits I mean beautiful Autumn days.
Back at the lake for likely the last hurrah.
Last night was down in the 30's so it is getting very close to the end of the season.
Been a great summer with friends and family.

From today.
One of the "Last leaves".
Autumn skies are so blue, I even toned it down a bit in photoshop.

Woke up to this guy doing a little fishing before the long trip south.
I believe it is a Common Loon all ready in Winter colors.
Or possibly a juvenile that has not gotten full colors.
What ever, it is a Common Loon.

Now I also played with photoshop to try my hand at being a little artistic.
What do you think?

Just going to keep enjoying the gorgeous weather and forget about the weather to come.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...