Thursday, August 31, 2017

Not ready to give up on summer!

Hi all
Well, this coming weekend is the unofficial end of summer.
School has started in ND and will begin next week in MN.
Harvest has begun and the trees and grasses are beginning the turn towards Autumn.
We plan to enjoy the lake as long as possible and not start travels until after New Years.
So many projects to get done and beautiful Autumn days at the lake to enjoy.
Smoke from Western fires make for some interesting sunsets.

Our friend is still stopping by many mornings.
Unfortunately it is early enough to be borderline for my camera capabilities.

Tuesday we picked the grapes on our back fence.
Brought them to the lake and processed them Wednesday afternoon.
We got about 15 cups of concentrated grape juice that we froze.
Use it later to add lots of flavor to commercial juices.
May use some to make jelly this fall since we will not be traveling till later.

All is well and making travel plans.
Make your day great.
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Minnesota late summer

Hi all
Finally caught up with summer and now able to spend some quality time at the lake.
Millie is quilting and I'm trying for a few shots with the lake camera.
Quilt tops are piling up and more fabric is arriving.

Many of these tops are going to church and that group will finish up the assembly.

I however look for ideas and light to get some photos,
Usually not enough lens, light and pixels,
Still able to get some fun shots.

Stare down!

Smaller flying thing.

This seasons baby loon, almost all grown up!

And the Double Suns of Earth! Was this caused by the eclipse? LOL

Also I'm spending a little time at the Sportsman Club Gun Range,
working to get the holes closer together.
That's about it other than mowing lawns here and in town.
Weeding and picking garden produce.
Soon be picking grapes and making juice!

Make your day great!
Tom and Millie

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Still playing catch up!

Hi all
As you have seen a few posts ago,
we went to the Pyrotechnics Guild International Grand Finale.
I hope you saw the videos and enjoyed them.
If you ever hear of the convention somewhere else, or here again,
They display all week and have competitions and their last night is spectacular.
Oh yeah, that's why they call it a Grand Finale!
Well, I finished up the still shots and will waste no more time
Here they are.

Pretty neat, ready for more?

Really great show, and if you ever get to go to one,
wear ear plugs!

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Perfect Day

Hi All
Yep, perfect day for editing images and getting a post that was promised a few weeks ago.

A few weeks ago my cousin Kay and her husband David,
hosted their annual get together of Kays siblings and growing families.
They were gracious enough to invite cousins and needless to say
we jumped at the opportunity to spend some time with family.
We were even lucky enough to have our cousin Rob and his wife Chris
fly in from Salt Lake City area and join us.
Also, our parents cousin Ken and his wife Muriel came from southern MN
and joined this wonderful get together.
With Ken and Muriel, a total of 4 generations were represented.

OK, I will get to the photos and if I make a mistake on any names, well,
it shows we just don't get together often enough.
Our hosts!

The cousins

And our spouses, with Ken and Muriel.

Next generation of cousins, unfortunately not all were able to join us.

And the next generation!

Some of us just relaxing, enjoying the food and the company.

So exciting to watch as the families grow.

Dang, this family has cute kids!
Some of the other activities.

Then out on the lake.

Everybody goes by this place, pretty amazing and it is not Kay and David's, just down the beach.

Back on shore as evening comes.

Had so much fun and so glad we could all get together.
Thanks again to Kay and David for opening their home for all of us.
And thanks to our tour guide, best "garage" I have seen. 

Cousin Kay and Millie

Sorry it took a few weeks to get the post up, and hope you are all able to enjoy
some of the pictures from a great day.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hi all, 
Last night was pretty exciting.
Pyrotechnics Guild International Grand Finale show.
About 1.5 hours long and these are some of the short video clips I made.
Photos later.

Each clip is  with music, however it often is hard to hear over the explosions.

It would have been a great place to have a video camera, with a wide angle lens.

My 16mm is obviously not wide enough.

And it just keeps going.

And going

It really was an amazing show.

Ear plugs were very nice to have.
I can't imagine what the decibel numbers were.

And of course the finale!

I will post again soon with pictures.
Lots of processing to do.

Make your day great
Tom and Millie

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Hi all
Now I have skipped a big weekend of family and fun,
it's OK, I will come back to it when I get through all the images.

For now we are on the road again.
Off to the big city as Millie has a quilting class near Minneapolis,
we are bringing the BWB and going to spend a few days in a KOA.
She gets to quilt, I and the fur balls, have no idea what trouble we will get into.
Likely none, but we will look a little!

Here is another beautiful morning shot at Walmart one of our favorite overnight destinations.

Walmarts that allow overnight stays are very much appreciated.
We plan our shopping lists to help by patronizing these RV friendly stores.

Looking forward to getting together with friends while spending the time at the KOA.
Haven't seen them since their daughter's wedding and they are now Grandparents!
Hope it all works for a fun visit.

That's about it for now, will update with all the upcoming excitement.
Make your day great
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...