Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas

Hi all
What a great holiday!
Time with family and friends
blizzard on it's way
So thinking about the warmer weather down south!

We spent Christmas eve at Chelsey's house
Yes, she is a Old House owner.
Great food, sure glad we can all cook.
A bit hard on the belt line, but Oh so good!

I got just what I wanted this year.
Christmas with my immediate family.
We had a guest this year,
Lucy, a Weimaraner that Chelsey is watching for friends.
She is old and deaf, and such a lovely old gal.
Loves her scratches and head pets.
Also got into the Christmas spirit.

Of course Chelsey's 3 year old Freyja, a Goldendoodle
also had to be in the action.
Fun to watch her find the tennis balls in the pile of paper.

And Elska our 14 year old Multipoo
cuddled on the couch, or hid on Freyja's bed (in the background above) and watched.
I think she did not want to get lost in the paper.

Christmas day Millie, Carissa, Chelsey and I spent the day at our house
watching Christmas movies and snacking on Christmas goodies.
Was so nice and relaxing, except the 6 dogs kept us busy with
the "in and out" game.
That did encourage them to all sleep well that night.

Our friends Greg and Eileen stopped by after morning church for coffee.
Nice to catch up with them as we hardly are ever in the same town at the same time.

Millie and I got ourselves an irobot for hard surface floors.
We named it Rosie,
what else, robot maid, remember the Jetsons?
And a bit for one of our past cleaning ladies with the same name.
Been without a cleaning person for some time now
and really happy to have our own floor cleaner.
We can usually keep up on the rest
now just need a bot to do windows!

I have been spending time making trim parts for Chelsey's house
and trying to get all duties caught up so we can continue our journeys.
Millie has been quilting away
and loving every minute she gets to spend in her quilting studio.

Hope you all have had a great Christmas
and enjoying Monday off.

Make your day great and have a Happy New Year
Tom and Millie

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...