Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Finally acting like spring.

Hi one and all!
Been a while and I'm expecting everyone is working in the yard
planning, pruning and cutting grass.
Those that have summer places (including RV's) are working double hard
getting ready for summer and friends to gather enjoying the great outdoors.

A couple of weeks ago we traveled to southern MN.
Millie to quilt with her sisters and me to connect again with relatives.
The quilters made a baby quilt for Marcy's new grandson
I'm amazed they can do this all in one weekend.
Of course they barely noticed I was gone!

Putting the face on the long arm quilting machine

While visiting my Ken and Muriel
they took me out for lunch.

And the Gunderburger is a wonderburger.

One pound of local home grown ground beef
on a standard bun.
Doesn't quite fit.
Ken and I shared that and it was still a lot of food.
(It was really, really tasty)
Worth the stop,
you can find Gunder, IA

We also visited the place my grandmother grew up
and many other relatives
Great Sunday dinner with Joanne
and lots of beautiful country,
unfortunately it was raining most of the time.

Been spending some time at the lake
and some time getting projects done
along with lawn care and garden prep.
Glad we don't have a garden at the lake
it would be one too many.

Smoke from the Fort McMurray fires
has made for some beautiful sunsets here.

Even though the colors bring us joy,
our prayers are with them for a speedy recovery.
After our floods here we know it will be a long process
and many will not be made whole.

We are fully functional at the cabin
water tested good and all systems working.
Now to enjoy the summer and finish projects
at home and the lake.
Then start planning the TomandMilliesBigAdventure II,
Colorado, Utah and more this fall.

Enjoy the summer
and I will be back again when I have more to share.

Make you days ahead great
Tom and Millie

Saturday, May 7, 2016

39th Anniversary

Wow! Where did the time go?
Never even considered we would be married this long.
Of course, never really considered I would live this long either.
We have had everything a marriage should have
We were blessed with two beautiful loving Daughters
Lots of family
and so many wonderful supportive friends.

This year we sold the boat and bought a pontoon.
Will be much more fun when friends and family come to visit.
And today we went on our anniversary cruise.
I did promise her one!

Once around the lake Honey!
We are enjoying already,

By the way
If I had to do it all over............
I would do it in a heart beat.
(I think I would try to be less difficult)

With all my love
Thanks Millie!

 Hi all We spent several days in Harmony, MN. Visiting with relatives, Amish product shopping, sampling great beer and eating way too much d...